Anonymous ID: 7baac7 Dec. 25, 2021, 10:39 a.m. No.15253228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3308 >>3695 >>3720 >>3725




(all /pb)





I cannot argue with what you are saying, but I always try to see from as many possible perspectives as my perception allows.

Change isn't coming from Q, Trump or the military.

The military is as infiltrated as any DS government establishment.

Why do you think Q stated that the military is the only way?

Did you believe that?

Do you really want the military involved when 30-40% (my estimate based on four years of interactions) are still asleep and indoctrinated with the narrative?

What will the outcome be when mobilized?

To what end?

If Biden is actually a "sitting president" which I have my doubts, then any actions against are considered mutiny and treason.

If there really are "White Hats" ready to pull the pin, then everything needs to be in place prior to those optics manifesting.


>It is the Military, which sat by while our Republic was subverted from without and within


Did they sit by, or did they help accomplish that subversion?

I've seen things first hand which make me feel like the world's biggest hypocrite whenever I put on that uniform.

I trusted many of our "leaders" in the beginning, I posted the memes, I praised them for their actions, and I became disenfranchised with repeated cognitive dissonance until I accepted they were part of the problem.

I've seen the orders come down the pipe, and I see to what end they are moving.

There are no truly "good guys" in the military, government or politics, everyone has done something they aren't proud of.

No one is out there saving people en masse.

The true leaders are the rank and file servicemen and women, no one with the rank of Admiral or General deserves my salute.

You don't get there by being virtuous and standing up for your people, you get there by saying "Yes".

These few positions hold all the power until more wake up.

The military is as fractured and neutered as any other organization.

As a single individual being carefully watched by MILINT what course of action to take?

Incite a mutiny without a solid plan and contacts in all facets of compartmentalization? Get locked away and never see the light of day again?

Waiting for the military to fix this is the same as trying to rely on the Police to solve everything, too many are lost to the narrative and part of the problem.

You show me proof of planning an organizational overthrow with a margin of success palpable enough to put my life on the line, I'll be right there fighting beside you until the last breath.

Much love to you, I share your anger and frustration more than you possibly know.

The only change that is coming is from WE THE PEOPLE.

A good friend once told me "There is no savior outside of ourselves" - and I never forgot it.

<Change is coming through MY shadow…

Anonymous ID: 7baac7 Dec. 25, 2021, 10:52 a.m. No.15253279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3319 >>3545



>Is that not the truth? Why do we ignore it as such? Out of everything the left has attacked as Americana, why not Christmas?


It hurts their bottom line?


>And one man declares the birth should be celebrated but just happens to choose a date in the middle of pagan celebrations?

>Did we miss the forest for the trees?


Yes, yes we did.

As with 99% of everything else we were raised to believe.




Oh, this meme is for you.

Everything old is new again…

Anonymous ID: 7baac7 Dec. 25, 2021, 11:16 a.m. No.15253367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3371 >>3389 >>3398



>As active military, you cannot in good faith tell me that Bidan's "inauguration" was real. I've gone over EVERYTHING that day and since.


I said I have my doubts with the balance of probability greatly leading in that direction, not 100% proof.

I don't believe anything 100%, because I allow myself to flow.


>So don't tell me that it's up to the 'rank and file' or that other bullshit that "anons should be running for school boards, dog catcher, etc.," ad nauseum.


You are putting words in my mouth, or rather, text.

I never said it was up to the rank and file, I said they were the true leaders.

I said it was up to "We The People", and I won't likely be changing that outlook anytime soon.

No individual entity is going to solve this single handedly.

As for the rest of your sentence all an injection of your own perception of the message I was attempting to portray.


>And don't tell me that there isn't any fukking Plan. It's GO TIME or there won't be any Country to salvage at the rate we are going.


Is there a plan? Only drawing from my own personal experience of seeing orders coming down the chain over the past few years I struggle greatly with believing that the top of the chain is all coordinated to enact the end you seek.

I too have been guilty of framing our current state as much worse than it is as well.

Fear is contagious.

I sense a bit of excessive concern here, and I feel you are holding the military entirely responsible to make all these changes.

Are tribunals ruled out? Of course not.

Could some actors in the movie experience a drastic role reversal? Of course.

Those in positions of power still have a chance to pass their tests.


>Love you too