I need to rant.
How can this TRUTH movement reconcille today as a holy day because a king who wanted more power over more people declared it, with no basis at the day to celebrate the birth of Yashua?
This is not a day that God set apart, it is not one of HIS feasts?
It was not part of the founding of this land, quite the opposite, the Puritans banned it.
During the Revolution it was consider British & pagan so it wasn't celebrated.
It became a federal holiday in 1870… didn't something significant happen in 1871?
So here we have a federal holiday at the birth of the industrial revolution as well as the golden -age of American wealth. Next ensued decades of mass marketing and consumerism of Santa Claus to draw in all people, not just Christians and make it secular.
Is that not the truth? Why do we ignore it as such? Out of everything the left has attacked as Americana, why not Christmas? They certainly have attacked it as a Christian holiday but not wholly? Why not? Could it be because it was originally setup by {{their}} side? They hold their secret illuminati rites in secret but not really because millions of people are boosting the energy without knowing? Think of all the "traditions"… they are either pagan or created. The 'Magic" of christmas really may be the MAGICK.
For 336 years somewhere after the life of Jesus Christ, there was no such thing. And one man declares the birth should be celebrated but just happens to choose a date in the middle of pagan celebrations?
Did we miss the forest for the trees?