>>15252998 (pb)
Just how many are supposed to arrive at that same thought, that same intent, at the very same time, anon? Moar of us at at the Precipice than there were pro rata when the American Revolution kicked off.
It is the Military, which sat by while our Republic was subverted from without and within, that sat by watching democracy shot out from under us in Dealey Plaza, which sat by while Poppy Bush consolidated slowly but sure consolidated power, derailing the American Dream while his war machine destroyed country after country in Southeast Asia, Central and South America, the Middle East and finally the internal master stroke of 9/11 which devastated, demoralized and brainwashed us all into a BLIND RAGE against 'terrorism' while the last of our Civil Liberties were signed away with the Patriot Act!
Yes, where were our White Hat Patriots over the last 60-years? The men and women who had the organization and power to rise up and stop Poppy and his Globalists all those years?
And now, while we sit helplessly as our children commit suicide from the Depression cause by [their] fear-mongering mask and vaxxcine mandates, who are being maimed and murdered by the thousands, many in the womb, from the 99% forced vaxxcine which, even now, Trump is still urging us to submit to?
We've been AT the Precipice since at least the beginning of 2020, as MAGA supporters were being beaten down in the streets. Then Jan 6, where we are even now learning that TWO OTHER innocent women were murdered? Where hundreds of other patriotic and faithful Americans have been arrested and thrown into the American Gulag, languishing and dying?
Oh Where Art Thou Brother Patriots
Servicemen and Women, Legally Armed
and Duty Bound To Support and Defend
the Constitution? Where have you been
these last 60 Years?
What does your inaction mean to those who have fallen before you, ever faithful to their solemn duty, those who have given the Greatest Sacrifice, to assure that Americans to come would NEVER have to live under the yoke of tyranny, that yoke which is clearly on us now?
You are in uniform, enjoying this most solemn day together, comrades in arms, protecting yours and each other from the tyranny which every other less fortunate American has to endure mostly alone?
Where Have Thou Been our Brothers?
while the most innocent are falling off
the Precipice?