Stripped down to bare metal. I think the idea that the general populace elects the president is a ruse. State electors, unbound from the wishes of the populace, and approved by congress elect the President. Thus, Bidan is actually POTUS.
It may be that electors bound to a state's vote is not constitutional in some way that could be challenged. There are states which apportion EV's differently, so it must not be a constitutional requirement. Might be similar to how Senators were chosen at the founding, that is, state legislators chose Senators. IOW, voting in general is moot, in the eyes of the SC, because the vote of the populace is a formality only.
OTOH, the choice of the CinC is not done by congress, rather by the military. Convention dictates the military would choose the choice of congress, but it isn't a rule. This is what Juan O Savin has been saying; POTUS and CinC are two different roles. Congress knows there was voter fraud, but it doesn't matter. Military know there was foreign intervention, an act of war, and did not accept Bidan as CinC. Trump is still CinC, and has invoked measures to devolute the US government away from DC due to wartime conditions. So the theory goes.