That is not proof. That is GARBAGE you pulled from your GAY ANUS.
So keep living in your fantasy world, then.
How's that working out for you? Good?
Says the faggot. Post proof or SHUT THE FUCK UP, COCKSUCKER! Merry Christmas, btw.
Merry Christmas, anon.
Die in a fire, you stupid bitch.
And, Happy New Year!
Jews killed at least 66 Million Christians in Russia. That is a fact. Just because you want to suck jewish ass does not mean we want to, you STUPID FUCKING JEW-LOVING NIGGER, BOOMER!
The old jew petard.
Accuse the goy of being a jew once the goy exposes the jew.
Good job, asshole!
Only a DEGENERATE JEW, such as yourself, would ask such a question.
Um…. No!
Guessing, and performing a statistical analysis on raw data are two different things.
You should just say that you are guessing and opining (READ PULLING FIGURES OUT OF YOUR ASS), instead of making false proclamations.
I live in your tiny brain, jew. Watch what happens over the next few months.
I know what you did, which is why I called you out on it. You attempted to deceive the other anons as being "authoritative" while making a "disclaimer." I saw through your bullshit, and called you out.
YOU SHOULD KILL YOURSELF for trying to MANIPULATE stupid people, you DUMB CUNT!
Not an argument you STUPID JEW.
You are busted.
You know it.
I know it.
You should kill yourself.
Dubbs, Tripps, etc., mean nothing on this site.
You have no idea who, or what you are talking about you deluded moron.
I, on the other hand, have provided proof of my affiliations (CFR, Club of MADRID, CLUB of ROME, Oxford Round Table, etc.), and if you think your lame assed bullshit means anything to me, you should know that I DON'T CARE.
There are those of us that are trying to help the REAL ANONS that need guidance.
FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU IN THE ASS. Go live in your DYSTOPIA with your masters.
You have no argument, only JEWISH INSULTS, that do not speak to the issues I raised.
Not Surprising given the fact that you are yet another LOW IQ jew that needs to be shot in the fucking face. That day is coming jewboy!