am I the only one that thinks that aside from being critical wikileaks is also playing the long game (on twitter)? Only their publications are 100% truth(according to their court trials).. not their tweets
I've seen a whole lot of the antijew stuff and as someone who knows llittle about jews I'm pretty confused.. Ok it's obvious that they run the world or at least they occupy all the msm seats but I'm unwilling to put every single jew on the same basket.. meanwhile there's the holohoax theory.. so please give me some homework idk where to start.. genuine question (please dont start a war)
I thought 4/pol/ had the triple amount of shills etc and censorship at times
makes sense thanks (this means when it's israel's time it'll be chaotic in here)
thanks brother
ever heard of metaphors?
true that
seems they deleted it too .. it was the 332,5 hours of their shill bs on soapbox llc which is why they didnt bother archiving
link for ref.