Anonymous ID: 7a8d76 Dec. 27, 2021, 3:30 p.m. No.15264587   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>15263837 (lb)


Bidan's getting beat up in the polls on his Covid response so he probably has been told to pawn the blame off on the governors. Kind of what he does, generally, IMO. I think a governor locking down interstate entry to vax only, or anything that would screw up interstate commerce would fuck him up and force the feds back into the game. Let's go Branon. Bidan's playing with fire here, I think. What happens, too, if other governor, like Desantis, says no mandates here.


Might be workers quitting rather than vaxxing is too big to deal with, although if it involved airline workers, it should be fed controlled. ICC, again.


I think individual state issues are too broad for Bidan's gang to get their heads around and simplify. For example, I think ski season is causing the rise in cases in NH/VT. Local health care doesn't have the capacity. That's where Bidan is putting the military in. Also saw Covid quarantine going from 10 down to 5 days. That's worker shortage related, I think. They're trying to pass the decision off as "scientific", but it looks like old fashioned goal post moving to me. They very well could be looking at an economy imploding because of draconian and ineffective pandemic policy. First step, I think, of trashing the vax mandates,


JUST IN - New rules are in: U.S. CDC has just revised its COVID "isolation guidelines" from 10 days down to 5 days, if asymptomatic, and followed by 5 days of mask-wearing. The change is "motivated by science," a press release states.


Just another sign of the Bidan Boy's incompetence and a feeble attempt to try to pass the buck back better, is my guess.

Anonymous ID: 7a8d76 Dec. 27, 2021, 3:54 p.m. No.15264685   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They may see this as a way to peel off Trump voters. It's all they got. Don't see it as working.


If the covid vax works similar to the small pox vax, which introduced a milder form (cow pox, I think) into the body, then the Omnicron strain could be induced by the vax and actually be beneficial. It's a milder strain. MSM could turn that, though, and say Trump vax caused Omicron, as if it were a bad thing. The game played now, then, is creating panic and allowing the milder strain to shut down normal societal life, although it shouldn't need to be.


There should be a study done to see if the Covid cases are original Covid 19, the most virulent form, in the unvaxxed, while Omnicron is the breakthrough in the vaxxed. Again, the breakthrough may not be a bad thing, but the MSM won't report that. They'll report that Trump's vaccine didn't work, even though it may be that the first round of vaccines did shut down the virulent strains effectively.