Anonymous ID: ae3e94 Dec. 26, 2021, 5:09 p.m. No.15259770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0042

Health expert says COVID cases should no longer be 'major metric' of pandemic, urges shift to hospitalizations, deaths


Health expert Dr. Ashish Jha said Sunday that public health officials should stop using COVID-19 case data as the central metric by which the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic is measured.

What did Jha say?


Jha — the dean of the Brown University School of Public Health and a former health expert at Harvard University — explained on ABC News' "This Week" the Omicron variant changes the game.


According to Jha, using case data to determine the severity of the pandemic is no longer reliable because Omicron appears less virulent despite being highly contagious.


"We have to do a shift. Look, for two years infections always preceded hospitalizations, which preceded deaths. So you could look at infections and know what was coming. Even through the Delta wave that was true because it was largely unvaccinated people who were getting infected," Jha explained.


"Omicron changes that. This is the shift we've been waiting for in many ways where we're moving to a phase where if you're vaccinated and particularly if you're boosted, you might get an infection. It might be a couple of days of not feeling so great, but you're going to bounce back. That's very different than what we have seen in the past," he continued. "So, I no longer think infections generally should be the major metric."


"Obviously, we can continue to track infections among unvaccinated people because those people will end up in the hospital at the same rate, but we really have to focus on hospitalizations and deaths now," Jha said.


Public health officials in the U.S. apparently do not share Jha's position because they have been raising alarm about Omicron based on skyrocketing cases. However, the infection wave has not translated to higher incidences of hospitalization and death in other countries thus far.


In fact, based on rising case numbers and growing panic, leaders are returning to classic mitigation strategies including remote learning, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates.

Anything else?


During an interview on "Fox News Sunday," Jha denounced schools returning to remote learning when Christmas break ends.


"This really shouldn't even be on the table, and I'm disappointed to see this is happening," he said. "Schools should be absolutely the last place to close and the first place to open."

Anonymous ID: ae3e94 Dec. 26, 2021, 5:13 p.m. No.15259791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9841 >>0059 >>0316

NY Times Editor, 49, Dies One Day After Moderna Booster Shot.


Carlos Tejada, a New York Times Deputy Asia Editor, has died at the age of 49. He suffered a heart attack less than a day after posting to social media that he had received a Moderna booster vaccination.


Tejada, who worked in part on the paper’s COVID-19 coverage, was married with two children. He had worked at the Wall Street Journal prior to moving to the Times, where he worked for almost five years.


According to Tejada’s own Instagram page, he was grateful to receive the mRNA/LNP booster while in Seoul, South Korea. Tejada originally received the Johnson & Johnson DNA/AAV COVID-19 vaccination in July 2021. Less than a day after receiving his Moderna booster on December 17th, Tejada died of a heart attack. The news was shared via Tejada’s social media by his wife Nora the following morning. The Times confirmed his death on December 22nd.


Former NY Times journalist Alex Berenson reported on his Substack that Tejada did not given informed consent to receive the booster shot, as the consent form was written in Korea and Tejada did not read Korean.


On his social media, Tejada joked that Omicron could “hit [him] with your wet snot,” before going on to say, “all I had to do was fill out this form in a language I cant read. Translation software tells me I now belong to the BTS army.”

Anonymous ID: ae3e94 Dec. 26, 2021, 5:15 p.m. No.15259798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wuhan Lab Hosts Conference On How To Avoid Lab Leaks.


The Wuhan Institute of Virology – the laboratory believed to be the source of the COVID-19 pandemic – hosted an international conference advising scientists and research institutes on proper laboratory safety measures.


The event – the International Training Course on Biosafety Laboratory Management and Technology – comes amidst America’s top health and intelligence publicly supporting the theory, however, that COVID-19 escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


The lab’s manipulation of “killer” bat coronaviruses, funded in part by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, created strains of SARS-like viruses that possessed the capacity for “direct human infection,” The National Pulse has previously revealed.


Despite being at the center of COVID-19’s origins, the Wuhan Institute of Virology hosted a laboratory safety measure conference from December 16th to 17th.


The event featured several researchers from the Chinese Communist Party-controlled lab including Deputy Director-General Guan Wuxiang, Deputy Director Yuan Zhiming, and Professor Wei Hongping.


The laboratory’s website also details the contents of the workshop, including having participants focus on “biosafety laboratory overview,” “laboratory management system,” and “animal experiment operating specifications and practices”:


Courses cover biosafety and biosafety laboratory overview, biosafety laboratory management system, biosafety code of conduct for scientists, bioethics, cutting-edge biotechnology governance, bacterial (virus) species preservation, transportation and management, biorisk assessment, biosafety laboratory Personal protective equipment, biological safety operating specifications, animal experiment operating specifications and practices, etc.

Anonymous ID: ae3e94 Dec. 26, 2021, 5:17 p.m. No.15259804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9879 >>9949 >>0073 >>0285 >>0334 >>0337

In Vermont, COVID Positive But Symptom-Free Patients Are Overwhelming Emergency Rooms


Vermont’s emergency rooms are being overwhelmed by COVID patients who are displaying little to not symptoms, according to a report from WCAX. One hospital affected is the Rutland Regional Medical Center (RRMC), which has been overwhelmed with asymptomatic patients. The Vermont Hospital Association says it’s hearing similar stories from other parts of the state.


RRMC medical director Dr. Rick Hildebrant said patients have been testing positive with rapid tests then flocking to the emergency room in search of PCR tests.


Hildebrant says those who are asymptomatic and receive a positive antigen test should not go to a hospital and should reach out to their primary care provider instead. He urged Vermonters to only go to an emergency room if their symptoms are severe. “It’s not so much the beds that are the precious resource, it’s the staff at this time. So we have to have some of our clinical staff providing care to those people and they can’t provide care to the folks in the ER,” Hildebrant explained.


Vermont has been witnessing a large spike in COVID cases despite having the nation’s highest vaccination rate by population percentage. According to data from the Mayo Clinic, 76.8% of Vermonters are classified as “fully vaccinated”, meaning they have received at least two doses of an mRNA two-dose vaccine.


Since Thanksgiving, however, cases have been spiking in the state, reaching a peak of 694 new cases on December 5. Though case rates have declined since that date, they have remained higher than what they were in October.


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Experts believe the current surge in ER visits stems from Omicron variant fears. Despite wide reports of increased transmissibility, milder symptoms have also been recorded in regards to Omicron when compared with past variants.


Massachusetts researchers recently found that the Omicron variant has several genetic similarities to the virus responsible for the common cold.

Anonymous ID: ae3e94 Dec. 26, 2021, 6:38 p.m. No.15260234   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jim Jordan: Biden Administration ‘Has Done Everything Wrong’


On this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) criticized President Joe Biden had “given” Americans record crime and inflation, adding that everything handled by the Biden administration had been “screwed” up.


“Elizabeth Warren seems to be hinting at price controls,” he said. “And we know what that will do. That will only exacerbate the problems we see out there. So, in simple words, I think the American people would like — they’d like safe streets, they’d like affordable gas, and they’d like freedom. Instead, what Biden’s giving them is record crime, record inflation and Dr. Fauci. So, this administration, as we have talked before, Larry, has done everything wrong.”


“You pick the policy area — they have done it wrong,” Jordan continued. “We went from literally 11 months safe streets to record crime. We went from a secure border to complete chaos. We went from stable prices to now record inflation. We went from strength and projecting strength around the world to the debacle that was the exit in Afghanistan. So, you name the policy. They have screwed it up. I’m afraid, based on what I heard from Senator Warren this week, they may even go the wrong direction the economy, but let’s hope not. And let’s hope Joe Manchin stays firm, and this crazy Build Back Better, so-called Build Back Better bill never passes.”

Anonymous ID: ae3e94 Dec. 26, 2021, 6:43 p.m. No.15260259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0311

Protests over post-vaccination deaths spread across South Korea


One of the most vaccinated nations on earth is seeing increased public pushback over Covid-19 jabs, as demonstrators in South Korea are demanding accountability for deaths that they blame on the shots.


Protesters gathered in Busan on Sunday after a similar rally was held in Seoul on Christmas Day. Aggrieved demonstrators held up large portraits of deceased family members – like those typically displayed at funerals in South Korea – and testified as to how their loved ones died soon after being vaccinated against Covid-19.


Dozens of funeral portraits were displayed at Saturday’s demonstration at the government complex in Seoul. Protesters called for the government to identify the causes of adverse reactions and admit that vaccines are to blame.


More than 1,000 South Koreans died shortly after receiving Covid-19 shots, but the government has confirmed a causal connection to vaccines in only a few of those cases. In one of the rare instances where a serious adverse reaction was acknowledged, a nursing assistant was recognized in August as a victim of an industrial accident and awarded government benefits after suffering paralysis in the wake of receiving AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 shot.


Just one week into its rollout of Covid-19 vaccines in late February and early March, South Korea’s Disease Control and Prevention Agency said that seven people had died and 24 had reported serious adverse reactions after receiving their AstraZeneca jabs. The government reportedly began an investigation in August after a teenager with no underlying health conditions died following inoculation with the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine.