So sick of the Feds always being involved in this shit. Nothing but loser faggots work for the FBI. bet she is one of them
nope a few of us have noticed the 3am wake up time, nightmares etc.
about the same time frame for me also. I used to think it was just because of my doggo but he died back in June. SO can't attribute it to him, i thought it was because i stopped smoking pot in may also with the dream increase. But i dunno i think we are most likely either being attacked or we are waking up because the "satanists" are doing their rituals at that time. Maybe that is the time for prayer to counteract those media fucks.
No i stand by its all fucked. Maybe some are flipped but when this kicks off. These agencies need to be burned to the ground. Nothing but niggers and spooks. Hopefully when we burn it some of these fucks will be locked inside.
Fear and control. Simple as that.
um no. Who listens to this bitch, seriously. The only people who follow her have the covaids also.
well they did not acknowledge Hunter in their Christmas card either to be fair.
i just looked it up and i swear it was 1917 also but google is saying 1918.
that is why i am confusing it. Wonder why that is?
pls kys
and who created masonry moran?
the other board is shit and divisive in its very creation. May the people who created it burn in hell.