Anonymous ID: a6aba1 May 24, 2018, 4:50 a.m. No.1526716   🗄️.is đź”—kun


You're not wrong about that.

It's a weird pace for a Wednesday morning, that's for sure.

Plenty of antici…


…pation, it seems.



Q has likely vetted every single Anon on this board.

Fair weather fans have come and gone and will come and go.

The devoted will always remain.

Anonymous ID: a6aba1 May 24, 2018, 5:26 a.m. No.1526888   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Q would, potentially, address a compromised BO.

This has occurred in the past, specifically with most recent migration form the board of a certain famefagging numpty.

The gorgeous part was that Q did not address the board owner directly, but instead addressed the Anons, at which point our current BO stepped up and made this place happen and the devoted reconvened here.

Previous schisms were the result of (1) halfchan's halfbrain nonsense and (2) an idiot board owner who thought he knew better than the rest and decided his status was more important than both the efforts and his own accountability.

As a community, we've learned plenty about the nature of vanity.

>You don't do it for fame or fortune, or for glory. You do it for your country.

–Pres. Donald J. Trump, at the swearing-in ceremony of CIA director Gina Haspel