God has his hand on OUR planet!!!
Victory in Jesus name.
God bless ALL on the board.
Yeshua blessings…
God bless OUR week, and MILKY WAY!
God has his hand on OUR planet!!!
Victory in Jesus name.
God bless ALL on the board.
Yeshua blessings…
God bless OUR week, and MILKY WAY!
God has his hand on OUR planet!!!
Victory in Jesus name.
God bless ALL on the board.
Yeshua blessings…
God bless OUR week, and MILKY WAY!
You knoooow, haha, w/ happs to be a GREAT cure for shingles?
That work in my life (verified). An Ancient Chinese remedy.
Making a tea from, Coptis, Skullcap (Scutellaria) rhubarb (Rheum in the family Polygonaceae) and ty God, and of ALL things, LICORICE!!! Hooahhh!!!
Dr. Stephen T. Chang is an internationally well-known scholar. His grandmother was a master-physician, while her father was both personal physician to Empress Tse Shi (Ci Xi) and the first Chinese ambassador to the United States during the Benjamin Harrison Administration (1889-93).
Sauce: http://thegreattao.com/html/taoofforgottenfooddiet2.html