anybody have regeneron treatments?
omicron was released by white hats.
it is being called the vaccine for covid.
that is why Bidan and Kamala are saying they didn't see it coming.
They didn't.
is the GW pundit a pedo?
is the GW pundit a pedo?
hey shills,
how does it feel to have a trap laid for you that works?
if you want to call it the flu…go ahead.
I didn't get tested but used at home kit which test pos when I was sick and neg when i wasn't.
I didn't go to a doc, but called and got antibiotics, zpac and doxy.
I had 86 O2…
took ivm.
so i had the covid flu… that what you are saying?
I had the covid flu.
I was sick with pneumonia
no, I don't know how to do that.
I think I get plenty of sunshine, though.
I walk my dogs several times each day.
so I am outside at least an hours or two each day.
but, I did think I might die.
because I was too afraid to go to hospital, even though I had low o2 levels and had trouble breating. I just knew if I went to ER, I would end up on a vent and die.
so….IVM to rescue
not sure what to think of him.
he seems to want to do nothing but talk and pick fights with people.
if he was on this board, he might be considered a shitposter or shill or both
I still think that when Bidan and Kamala are LOUDLY PROCLAIMING REPEATEDLY, that they didn't see OMICRON coming…they are signalling to the DS that OMICRON is not part of DS plan, but perhaps a white hat operation.
just mho/
the problem with this covid is that a person cannot go to a hospital and get curative treatment.
so call it whatever you want, but it's killing people because it is bad, it causes pneumonia, AND YOU CAN'T DEPEND ON DOCTORS TO SAVE YOUR LIFE, even though they could
>Is this the REAL reason they want the statues taken down? The racial angle was just a bonus for them?
it could be.
they must have some deep deep dark secrets they don't want out…or they are looking for a hidden message to them.
like the movie with Nic cage
>Q post 556
>Have FAITH, Patriot.
noice post….omicron is the cure?