if I was looking at the gallows, maybe I'd keep flogging a dead horse, too.
if that timestamp is eastern, Q1900 is pic of the Vanderbuilt death pool
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Notable Workforce Milestones
This year the Secret Service commemorated two landmark anniversary milestones for its workforce. Sixty-five years ago, on February 1, 1956, Charles L. Gittens of Cambridge, Massachusetts, was sworn in as the agency’s first African American special agent.
Throughout his23-yearcareer with Secret Service, Gittens rose through the ranks, serving first inCharlotte, North Carolina,with subsequent postings in New York City, San Juan, Puerto Rico and the Washington, DC field office, where he was promoted in 1971 to special agent in charge. ['71 - Nixon & gold?]
As a special agent, Mr. Gittens protected PresidentsEisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson,as well as Vice President Humphrey, Mrs. Kennedy, and President Johnson’s daughter Linda Bird…
U.S. Treasury Department Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Operations and the women who made history that day in1971[gold?] were Kathryn Clark, Sue Ann Baker, Laurie Anderson, Holly Hufschmidt and Phyllis Shantz.
Did you know? In 2021, our digital forensics examiners conducted more than 7,200 forensic examinations of more than 1,000 terabytes of data in support of Secret Service and law enforcement partner criminal investigations. 1,000 terabytes equals roughly half the contents of all U.S. academic research libraries!…
National Threat Assessment Center Averted Attacks Report
On the job now23years, the Secret Service led National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) maintains a particular focus on preventing targeted school violence by working closely with state and local leaders and assembling a dynamic, multi-disciplinary team of behavioral experts…
Attempt to Assassinate President Ronald Reagan
Forty years ago, a lone gunman attempted to assassinate President Reagan as he was leaving a downtown Washington, DC, hotel in March 1981. John Hinckley, Jr. fired six shots at the president…
Most Wanted Fugitives Web Page
Founded in 1865 to combat the proliferation of widespreadcounterfeiting in the aftermath of the U.S. Civil War,the Secret Service remains at the vanguard of an ongoing battle to secure thecritical financial infrastructure and financial payment systemswe rely on every day…
20th Anniversary of September 11, 2001 Terror Attacks…
Supporting NCMEC
This year, we supported theNational Center for Missing and Exploited Childrenby conducting more than 580 digital forensics examinations of more than 130 [13 COMMs] terabytes of data.