much like Lightfoot and her couch guy, the commies put all kind of weirdoes (especially in looks) into their puppet socks because if anyone disagrees with them then they are labeled an 'XYZ-phobe' or some kind of "ist" and these childless (usually homo or lez) 'public servants' are all commie plants, in the strategic school systems
the judge did ask them to stay an extra hour….oooooo…how 'bout "you don't go back to your hotel room until you make up your mind"
LBJ in the middle ?
they have no power to fix it ; they need control of congress via the midterms and that only happens with everyone getting involved ; check with the county elections office and you will find applications are up tenfold to be election observers ; the horse is out of the barn, running around with the formally bagged cat
you may be right and it might be too late…we won't really know until then ; but looking like retards? that has been going on full bore since 2009