Anonymous ID: a5d8a0 Dec. 28, 2021, 5:23 p.m. No.15269790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9804 >>9854 >>9867 >>9943 >>0101


My wife and 3 kids (16, 20, & 22) all have muh Omicron. I’ve been taking muh Ivermectin and HCQ and supplements and commanding the God given control I have over my body so I might just ward it off. Either way, it’s pretty much a mild flu. The Omicron strain’s typical onset of symptoms are a scratchy throat and body aches with possible fever (yeah just like the flu). Omicron, being a variant, is much weaker than muh original COVID strain, albeitmuch more contagious. This is actually quite a blessing and a wonder of God (7pm anon prayer works! Praise the Lord!). In any case, the local hospitals, including the one my wife works at, and urgent care facilities have been super backed up with muh COVID cases in the past week or two. My wife’s doctor told her yesterday that she was like the 20th positive case they had for the day. Here’s my take: I believe most everyone in the country will wind up getting Omicron and that this might just end the pandemic, but probably not the media hysteria and the government power grabbing. If most of the population, vaccinated and unvaccinated, wind up getting the much milder Omicron, we will have the sought after herd immunity at nearly 100%. COVID, whichever strain has existed to this point and may materialize in the future, will then be just another seasonal cold/flu. Getting exposed to and contracting the much milder Omicron will give everyone immunity against all forms of COVID while resulting in much less severe outcomes and death in the process. COVID ain’t over, but it’s over. Anons know.

Anonymous ID: a5d8a0 Dec. 28, 2021, 5:32 p.m. No.15269844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9853


If I may butt in here I used to have a very negative opinion on draft dodgers as my dad served 2 years as a gunner (helicopter) in the 1st Cav ‘68-69. Since then, since being red pilled, my opinion has changed as I think those who dodged the draft were within their rights to do so because “what were we really there for in the first place?”. There is a distinction to be made though. The difference is whether the person(s) were anti-Vietnam War or anti-American. For example, DJT and Rush Limbaugh were probably just anti-Vietnam war, whereas Bill Clinton was probably (is) just plain anti-military and anti-American.

Anonymous ID: a5d8a0 Dec. 28, 2021, 5:41 p.m. No.15269893   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well I’d like to thank all of the vaccinated folks for taking one for the team and producing the variants that will inevitably put an end to muh COVID. Once everyone, vaxxed and unvaxxed, gets Omicron and sees for themselves that there ain’t all that much to it, maybe, just maybe we can move forward.

Anonymous ID: a5d8a0 Dec. 28, 2021, 5:48 p.m. No.15269932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9949


To anons who missed the 7pm est prayer:


The time isn’t so important. The prayer in unison is wonderful, but God isn’t restrained by the dimension of time like we are. Maybe just start your prayer (at whatever time) something like “Heavenly Father I come to you, along with all my brothers and sisters who call themselves anons, many who already came to you in prayer earlier today…”