Anonymous ID: 093b37 Dec. 28, 2021, 7:52 p.m. No.15270636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0652 >>0663

Coronavirus in Israel: New cases at 7,700, R rate climbs to 1 again


You now know what it is like to be a yoyo.


So let us deal with the facts:


Fact 1–Israel is the most COVID-vaccinated nation in the world.


Fact 2–Israel is now battling its FOURTH wave of infection and vaccinated people are getting sick, being hospitalized and dying.

Anonymous ID: 093b37 Dec. 28, 2021, 8:07 p.m. No.15270707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0721


Viral Videos On Big Pharma Fraud And Covid-19 Deception


Joe Rogan on Congress using ivermectin, big pharma's history of fraud, mass testing with 97% false positive PCR test , CDC inflates Covid-19 deaths, and Pfizer causes blood clots under the microscope.


Viral Videos On Big Pharma Fraud And Covid-19 Deception

Joe Rogan on Congress using ivermectin, big pharma's history of fraud, mass testing with 97% false positive PCR test , CDC inflates Covid-19 deaths, and Pfizer causes blood clots under the microscope.


On a recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience, podcaster Joe Rogan said that Dr. Pierre Kory from the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance treated him and hundreds of members of Congress with monoclonal antibodies, prednisone, z-pak, NAD, vitamins, and ivermectin.


"By the way, 200 Congresspeople have been treated with Ivermectin for Covid. Google that. You can probably find that on Dr. Pierre Kory's Twitter page," Rogan said. "Before there were vaccines, this was a common off-label treatment for Covid."


"I do not know the motivation for demonizing this particular medication," Rogan added. "But I would imagine some of it has to do with money because… this a generic drug now. The patent has run out… and it's worth like 30 cents per dose."


It is an incredibly disturbing allegation if Congress members are quietly using ivermectin-based multidrug treatment protocols while health bureaucrats ban hospitals and pharmacies from treating ordinary citizens with these same treatment protocols.


As Rogan alludes to, would it be that out of character for regulatory agencies funded by the pharmaceutical industry to prioritize profits over human lives?


Undoubtedly, the greatest miracle of Covid-19 has been transforming the once corrupt ‘big pharma’ industry into the now holier-than-thou saviors of humanity. Covid-19 has managed to brainwash a large segment of the population into becoming fervent supporters and apostles for the once notoriously dishonest and corrupt pharmaceutical industry.


Many people who once agreed pharmaceutical companies have spent decades prioritizing profits over human lives are now cheering for taking away human rights if people are unwilling to sign up for lifetime subscriptions to mRNA vaccines with unknown long-term safety profiles.


Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and every major pharmaceutical company have paid billions in civil and criminal fees over the last decade for bribing doctors, paying kickbacks to scientists, hiding adverse reactions, defrauding regulators, and hooking millions of Americans on unnecessary drugs. Here is a compilation to remind everyone of decades of pharmaceutical industry deceit:


more at link




96 Research Studies Affirm Natural Immunity to Covid-19: We should not force COVID vaccines on anyone when the evidence shows that naturally acquired immunity equal to or more robust and superior to existing vaccines. An updated and comprehensive library list of 96 of the highest-quality, complete, most robust scientific studies and evidence reports/position statements on natural immunity as compared to the COVID-19 vaccine-induced immunity. Read more.


22 Studies that Raise Profound Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy: The evidence showing COVID vaccines are not as efficacious as advertised against the Delta variant exposes the problems with vaccine mandates that are threatening the jobs of millions of people, and raises further doubts about the case for vaccinating children. The evidence shows that the vaccinated are showing viral loads (very high) similar to the unvaccinated, and the vaccinated are equally as infectious. Read more.


Digital Vaccine Passports Pave Way For Social Credit System: The titans of global capitalism are exploiting the Covid-19 crisis to institute social credit-style digital ID systems across the West. Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, and Rockefeller Foundation, among others – are determined to impose a system of digital identification and high-tech social credit on as much of the human population as possible. Read more.


Dr. Rochagné Kilian - Blows the Whistle on Covid-19 Vaccines and D-Dimer Levels: Emergency Medicine Specialist Dr. Rochagné Kilian blows the whistle on the concerning rise in D-dimer levels in patients after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. This detailed, well-referenced video explains the phenomenon of micro-clotting, and why this demonstrates the likely development of an autoimmune disorder. Dr. Kilian has recently had her medical license suspended in response to her speaking out against the Covid-19 vaccines. Watch here.

Anonymous ID: 093b37 Dec. 28, 2021, 8:18 p.m. No.15270758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1144

The Shadowy CIA Data Firms Behind the Creation of Digital Vaccine Passport IDs


"In January 2021, tech giants such as Microsoft, Oracle, and MITRE Corporation announced their launch of the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI) in partnership with healthcare companies.


The VCI idea depends upon a common platform from which digital wallets can be created, and on the VCI website they call for “participating organizations to commit to implementing, testing, and refining the SMART Health Cards Framework within their sphere of influence.”


According to VCI, their ‘SMART Health Cards’ are meant to “work across organizational and jurisdictional boundaries.”

SMART health cards as of now include a person’s name, gender, birth date, phone number, and email address, as well as vaccination status. Developers hope, however, that these cards will eventually become all-encompassing universal digital identities that reside within a universal digital wallet.


According to the ‘about’ section on their website, the group’s members section includes corporations like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Apple, and the MITRE Corporation.


Along with the MITRE Corporation, one of the groups listed in the governance section on the website is the Commons Project Foundation, which is the main backer of the VCI and also hosts the VCI website.


The Commons Project Foundation also describes itself as a ‘private and public alliance.’

Listed on the leadership board of the Commons Project Foundation is the President of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Global Head of Performance at BlackRock, the senior managing director at the Blackstone Group, and Julie Gerberding, the former director of the CDC. Gerberding once wrote an op-ed in Time Magazine calling for an ‘International Pandemic Surveillance Network.’


In partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation — as well as an almost endless list of corporations and government agencies — the Commons Project Foundation created the CommonPass.


MITRE Corp also runs the COVID-19 Healthcare coalition with Palantir, Microsoft, Salesforce, Amazon, and In-Q-Tel, and is a major consultant for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the effort to craft ‘sweeping plans for curtailing the Covid-19 pandemic.’


Palantir Technologies — founded by Peter Thiel and Alex Karp in 2003 following the invasion of Iraq. Palantir’s only client up until 2008 was the CIA.


Just like MITRE, Palantir, and Google — according to Gizmodo — Oracle also started as a CIA Project and takes its name from a 1977 CIA operation with the same codename. Similar to In-Q-Tel and Palantir — two groups closely involved with every aforementioned private-public alliance — Oracle’s very first customer was the CIA.


In addition to all data from HHS Protect, Palantir also has access to all UK health records following its more than £46 million in contracts with the UK government and The National Health Service of England.


In June of last year, CNBC reported that Britain gave Palantir access to sensitive medical records including patients’ names, ages, addresses, health conditions, treatments, medicines, allergies, tests, scans, and X-Ray results.


In-Q-Tel funded the creation of Palantir and runs the COVID-19 Healthcare coalition with Palantir, MITRE Corp, Microsoft, and others. The inspiration for the firm came well before its creation in 1999 from the Pentagon’s ‘Highlands Forum.’


The Highlands Forum for decades has provided a completely ‘off the record space for the most powerful members of the ‘shadow intelligence community’ to meet with senior US government officials, alongside other leaders in relevant private industries [Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos et al]. This private network has operated as a bridge between the Pentagon and powerful private American elites since at least the mid-1990s.'

Anonymous ID: 093b37 Dec. 28, 2021, 8:37 p.m. No.15270844   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank You…KanekoaTheGreat-Telegram




Anonymous ID: 093b37 Dec. 28, 2021, 9:23 p.m. No.15271083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1089 >>1118 >>1188

Covid 19: one of the many reasons for covid 19 creation is Eugenics (lower the population )


Creators of Covid 19 & fake vaccines = Mass Murderers


New U.S. Census Report Shows Slowest Growth on Record for the Nation’s Population


“According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Vintage 2021 national and state population estimates and components of change released today, the population of the United States grew in the past year by 392,665, or 0.1%, the lowest rate since the nation’s founding.

Anonymous ID: 093b37 Dec. 28, 2021, 9:34 p.m. No.15271146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1150

Bill Gates was VERY amused when Anderson Cooper brought up required vaccinations to receive Social Security 🤔


Bill Gates needs to be arrested, charged, prosecuted for treason and mass murder, along with Obama, Fauci & others that funded communist China's military bioweapons lab that created covid 19 and a possible multitude of unknown other bioweaponedized viruses.