it assumes a loss of control on your enemy`s part.
one sees no evidence that their control is slipping.
do you?
it assumes a loss of control on your enemy`s part.
one sees no evidence that their control is slipping.
do you?
one does not think so.
echo chambers aside.
protests are not revolutions
no matter the number of attendees.
the sheep still sleep.
these generations (in america at least) have known nothing of suffering beyond the mundane
you will though.
also, it has been moar that thousands.
you can not identify your enemy.
you are losing.
neocons are not your problem
you can not identify your enemy.
ask a question.
only to the low intelligence monkeigh.
like [you].
the cursed described in this book are your enemy.
it is no fault of ะผฤฑne that you are too stupid to hear reality described.
show moar of your ignorance,
they only have one name.
and they are still here.
hear not
see not
find the doom laid for you before the foundation of any world.
funny how they live in a deaert considering.
He fed them to the nephilim.
they think it a great affront to Him.
they can not see
that they simply perform the function
they were designed for.
all mythos
you have been misled in many things.
satan being a primary
luciferian liesโฆ
the "bad guy" humanity now believes in is simply
a functionary of The Court.
your enemy is no devil nor demon.
it is a disembodied hybrid older than your pyrakids.
the evidence covers earth
hidden in plain sight.
why can you not see?
God is the one Doing it.
He Does Everything.
humans forget because they are made to.
none know truth in all one`s time.
nothing can stop what is coming
this is not about "deserve"
this is about Him
just like everything else
and what do you think prometheus was?
or kronos
or shiva
or neptune
eberything you think you know is a lie
for everything you know comes from the same source
few will be able to make the leap.
time is short
randy has always been here
this is my only demesne
all holy books are shit
all historical records are shit
pick a version of the bible
and read it until you can see man`s hand behind the parts they adulterated.
only He can Show you.
you were out of time years ago
here are moar of their names
a particularly nasty one.
though molloch is one`s only concernโฆ
they are all still here.
they miss their flesh so.
they are all mad as hatters.
they hate you forever.