I suppose that vax death numbers will pass (actual) deaths from muh corona real soon.
That's when the reality of no control sets in.
Shit! Are you saying bakers haven't been wearing masks?!?!?!?!? We're all gonna die!
I don't get (You)s anymore at all. I wasn't even able to post for a few weeks until a few days ago.
I don't think Sidney was equal to filing those types of cases. They need a bigger firm to deal with the opposition. Lawanon
I drove half across the country and back this year, fortunately, I was triple-vaxxed, boostered, wore gloves, a gown, a mask and a face shield the entire trip and I didn't talk to ANYBODY. Only caught muh corona twice. Best of luck!
Anybody who says mohammadens are violent should be killed.
He's more of a Led Zep fan?
Agree that if you see one thing correctly, you will see many more.
I wouldn't doubt it.
muh index. this board has been through an amazing number of changes since it started. i disagree strongly with cm's critics, he did a helluva job here for 3 years, then he moved on, so good luck to cm.
He doesn't know Q is no homo.
Whenever libtards whine about the Constitution, you know it's working.
I must have it too. No symptoms.
I hear Bigfoot is in IL, I'd like to check that out. Could just be Moochelle though.