Anonymous ID: 45d109 Dec. 28, 2021, 10:27 p.m. No.15271300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1317 >>1441


TY, baker. Have to respond to a post (yours, kek) - no reply box otherwise.

Reposting from tail end of lb because there's a part 2 and the truth isn't getting anywhere:


>>15267191 (PB)

1/2 For new eyes: Beings lying scum sather is being cited with ZERO rebuttal, must keep truths visible. Communist attacks on Lin Wood heated up when he spoke up regarding Election Fraud.

January, 2021 - LLW crashed Mercer zoom call (45:46); Calls out LIES by (then-dean) Cathy Cox (who has since “moved on” to Georgia College)

Cox’ history = DOMINION: * * (Apr. 5, 2006) *


June 21, 2010 “Intellectual Property” of voting systems still owned by firm linked to Venezuelan President, despite press statement to the contrary… Dominion’s spokesperson, formerly of Diebold, former Press Secretary for Secretary of State of Georgia (COX), Chris Riggall… *


SOROS-bought “DAs” attacking Lin Wood (small sampling) - *


BTW, HARRISON DEAL car explosion?? Special Agent Believed to Be Investigating Harrison Deal Crash Found Dead. (Deal) interned for Sen. Perdue, worked on Sen. Loeffler’s campaign, and was a close family friend of GA. Gov. Brian Kemp… On December 14, 2020 Special Agent James O’Sullivan of the Georgia State Bureau of Investigation died at home. *


* Stew Peters also a target for exposing TONS, including Vernon Jones: Interview w/ Antje Kingma, former Senior District Attorney/Sex Crimes Unit


'April 1, 2010’’’ The New York Times : A jury awarded more than $180,000 in damages Thursday in a reverse discrimination case against DeKalb County and its first black chief executive, Vernon Jones. https://''


Why did sidney Powell tank filings - and LIE? Sidney Powell’s filings regarding the 2020 election gave the Supreme Court a back door on ‘Standing’ – should have been filed by “We The People” but were not – thus providing the Supreme Court an avenue to say they did not have ‘Standing’.


Lin Wood : Sidney Powell… lawfare strategy of filing lawsuits on which she placed my name even though I had nothing whatsoever to do with the drafting or filing of the complaints, like the complaints she filed in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona … she needs to publicly acknowledge and admit in no uncertain terms that I had nothing to do with the drafting or filing of any of her “Kraken” complaints….


AFA rittenhouse bail bullshit: FIRST look into their handler, david hancock, and refer to the IRS regarding 501(c)(4), which FightBack is. LLW was schooled by tax atty. for suggesting $$ go directly to KR: *

Along with Lin Wood repeatedly posting every documented/financial proof imaginable, Gordon Rose, who was right in the thick of all things ‘Rittenhouse’ post-FightBack has been documenting hancock & his cohorts’ criminal doings (too vast to pick & post): 1/2

Anonymous ID: 45d109 Dec. 28, 2021, 10:35 p.m. No.15271317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1341


2/2 Have to keep visible - Suppressed FACTS regarding the rittenhouses’ lies, criminal history of THEIR HANDLER; Faux more dangerous than ever:

Kyle Rittenhouse claimed his former lawyers, Lin Wood and John Pierce prolonged his jail time and gave him bad advice. … told Carlson they raised over $1million by Sept. 5, 2020, and could have filed to get him released on bail by the middle of that month. Instead, Rittenhouse said he spent nearly three months behind bars. He was released from jail on Nov. 20, 2020, after his lawyers paid a $2 million bail with money raised by donors . November 20, 2020 *


Rittenhouse blamed the attorneys for the narrative that he had been a member of an unorganized militia when he showed up armed with a semi-automatic rifle in Kenosha.We fired him because he was like going on with all this QAnon andelection fraud stuffand just stuff we don’t agree with Rittenhouse stated. NyPost:


LIN WOOD: * Number one, I was not his criminal lawyer. I did not represent him… I’m not a criminal lawyer. I did agree to represent defamation cases after the criminal case was over… * I was NEVER contacted by Fox or Tucker Carlson to be informed of the accusations and afforded an opportunity to respond. Why not??? Tucker Carlson (and Sean Hannity) have my cell number. I was one call away * Why did Fox totally ignore the background of David Hancock, the disgraced former Navy SEAL? (DH) has been in total control of Kyle and his mother for almost one year. The public record raises very serious questions about the honesty and agenda of Hancock… (TONS of DOCUMENTATION: )

  • Why did Tucker strongly suggest that I was one of Kyle’s criminal lawyers? I was not…. I was just trying to help Kyle through #FightBack. I had agreed to help him in defamation matters after the criminal case. Why did John Pierce terminate that relationship almost immediately after #FightBack posted the bail monies.


JAN 14, 2021 Kyle Rittenhouse claimed his ex-attorney “set him up” for a photo of him posing with purported members of the Proud Boys and making a hand gesture used by white supremacists. Rittenhouse blasted his former legal team, John Pierce and Lin Wood… “I didn’t know that the OK hand sign was a symbol for white supremacy …” NYPost:


Wut! As of DECEMBER, 4, 2020 , Pierce was only doing FUNDRAISING! david hancock and Richards (crim lawyer) were running everything!


DECEMBER 4, 2020Controversial Attorney Withdraws From Kyle Rittenhouse Criminal Case, Launches New Fundraising Appeal== #FightBack had been raising money for Rittenhouse's defense until last month (NOV, 2020), when Pierce posted $2 million raised by the foundation to bail the teenager out of jail… With #FightBack apparently out of the fundraising picture (once BAIL WAS MET), Pierce began promoting a new website, as the main fundraising arm… He said another $2.5 million was needed to defend the case and cover Rittenhouse's family living expenses. KSRO/ABC:


Pierce not completely ’fired’ from “fundraising duties” until FEB: Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Kyle Rittenhouse has fired controversial civil lawyer John Pierce Feb 5, 2021


Rittenhouse supporters burned: … my name is Deana Womack, a housewife…we formed #TeamRittenhouse…. So who was this guy? (Hancock)… Even though Kyle himself blames the Pudgys incident on John (Pierce), he lied…John wasn’t in the same state at the time. …we just would like to know the truth… the more questions we asked the more of us got blocked from Freekyleusa aka Dave (Hancock). Why? And why would anytime anyone would ask for financial records for the fundraiser would he instantly attack them, block them… I was getting emails from Freekyleusa asking for money!!! I never donated to Freekyleusa I only donated to Fightback. So how did they get my email?


clowncarlson INFO Vid (23:24): , , ; clown & HUNTER’s emails: ,

Anonymous ID: 45d109 Dec. 28, 2021, 11:04 p.m. No.15271360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1368


Well, with potato "in charge", perhaps it's past time for some "independent" or "unbiased" party to release the CHILD crimes, and let it spread online like "let's go, Brandon" did.

Communist msm has succeeded in keeping everything else, including all the TREASON, suppressed anyway. Nothing short of these proofs getting out will faze the desensitized masses at this point.

To most of the population, Gang of Eight will seem like a parking ticket compared to what these sub-human life forms have done to children. Let schitt try walking down a street then.

Anonymous ID: 45d109 Dec. 28, 2021, 11:22 p.m. No.15271382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1396


>He ded.

Hope so, anon. Honestly can't say that this anon would even know his voice, kek.

(Wore earplugs when faux viewer resided in household & put it on.)

MSM is the only thing more despised than the "politicians" they shield and protect. Bet their crimes are just as horrible, for them to score those TV/radio gig$ & book-hawking "deals".