stay out of the shadows.
he is a right wing grifter who gets men to pay 100$ a month on how to be a man. He also thinks being a cuck and rape play are good things for relationships. This is important on the cultural side of the battle, and since politics is down stream from culture it is important. Look at his logo for the liminal order. He is a grifting sack of shit. There is more to it also.
yeah, and you know he could have a redemption arc, but this story blew up because he acted like a child on another show, Not tim pool this time and was a dick. His older articles advocated for being a cuck, and instead of simply saying i was wrong it is not a good behavior for men and devalues the relationship, or hell just i was wrong people change i am sorry for writing that he caught the ire of POL and others because he is grifting for sheckles. Yes he is a member of the Tribe. So videos came out of him shoving dildos up his ass. People do change we should all deserve that grace to know mistakes are made, and in some ways he does not have to explain himself either, BUT grifting men into thinking you have the answers about how to be a man but writing about cucking and rape and some other questionable material, well this is what happens i guess.
it looks like poso and casandra fairbanks are in it.
holy shit that is chelsea manning. They are all glow niggers, at one point early in the sjw wars people like milo and JBP were what i thought was needed, but so many just get stuck in their ego fests and never move out of it to something bigger. Same problem with that posobic faggot. They are all grifters it seems. Glad i woke up to it early on. So many are still trapped by these glow niggers
no they are influencers, think of jordan peterson he is part of all what they called the intellectual dark web. It is all a sham usually by the the Tribe at some level they are involved or the three letters. They have more of a following than most main stream media, but because they call themselves conservatives they were revered at some level. This also has now gained them some level of protection because the Right never wants to seem to sink to the left's level of cancellation so they are allowed to exist. In theory that is a great idealist position in reality it is a losing position.
well good for you living in an isolated bubble. Many do not, and these fucking scum take advantage of many so what you think does not really matter. This is a cultural war just as it is a political one. Even if you do not care you should at the very least be aware of what is going on and try to fight against it.
who is the blonde guy between the two jacks, he looks familiar?
well he is part of the entire tim pool compound as well. Cassandra Fairbanks works for pool now last i was aware a few months ago writing for his site. This is one of the bigger stories to come out of the sjw wars. I think Peterson is still one of the biggest personal disappointments for me personally, but sadly he still has enthralled millions. But he is a plant just as much hell there is an Illuminati card just for him also.
wow and a ego as well. Sad not everyone is as smart as you. Faggot.
actually it does. keep coping. You think others should be able to rise to your level. Talk about elitist. Not everyone has that ability. KYS, as for Butt hurt the only one who is butt hurt is Jack from shoving that dildo up his jew ass.
shit meme response. Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. Not angry or upset just think your stupid ass should die
yup….another timcast regular.