How on earth is MSM going to spin the last 12 months into anything positive? IDK but Im going to have fun laughing. I hope I don't choke on my popcorn…
My thought was the Keystone would end up being the "Lynch" pin…but I guess brokering political appointments just isn't a crime anymore…sorry Rob…
This bread is boring…Anyone want to discuss the colonization of Mars???
They've found water and where there is water, there is life…
That's not just a red pen… that's a red Sharpie…used in the context of Clinton…
Mars atmosphere is 90% CO2, even with zero organic matter hydroponics prove plants will grow, I say Elon shoots a huge rocket with a seed based payload, directly at that spot and see what happens.
I also like the idea of an orbiting manned space station, prior to colonization of the surface.
Im still waiting for high res pictures of the underside of the flat earth…
Hong Kong belongs to China now, you think 100 years means anything to them? They signed that lease and laughed all the way to the bank…That is an open and shut case no matter how much the West cries…
You will accept the baby given to you by your government and you will love it…it will also be genderless…
Well they are headed to a slaughterhouse for organ harvesting soooo…