Anonymous ID: 25056a Dec. 29, 2021, 12:01 p.m. No.15273734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3779

Goat 'with the face of a human' seen as a 'warning from God' is born in India


The goat belonging to farmer Shakar Das, 46, gave birth to several offspring

The second kid bowled over locals when it emerged with major deformities

Its swollen face resembled a human head, shocking locals in Gangapur village

Shakar said the kid was born alive despite serious deformities but later died

Locals said the birth of a deformed animal is considered a bad omen or bad luck

Anonymous ID: 25056a Dec. 29, 2021, 12:02 p.m. No.15273736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3744 >>4111 >>4161 >>4472

NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard tells the unvaccinated to ‘switch off your social media and switch on reality’


NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard has slammed those who are still unvaccinated against COVID-19 and implored them to "switch off your social media and switch on reality".

NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard has begged the unvaccinated population in the state to "switch off your social media and switch on reality".


Mr Hazzard expressed his frustration with those who have not yet rolled up their sleeves for two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine during a media conference on Wednesday alongside Premier Dominic Perrottet and Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant.


"I want to say this. We are still hearing that people are declining to get vaccinated, they know better, they are watching social media, stop, forget it. Get off the social media," he said.

“Switch off your social media and switch on reality and go and get a booster.


“We know vaccinations and boosters will keep you far safer you can mix it in with the other health requirement that we have all learned, social distancing, mask wearing, masks really work."


As well as drawing the connection between the unvaccinated and the influence of untrustworthy and false information on social media, Mr Hazzard pointed out that most patients in ICU in NSW are not double-dosed.


“Just stop listening to social media and make sure you are not the one lying in the ICU on a ventilator because you may be the one who dies," he said.


"There have been people reported in the press from overseas, very well-known people who have been talking about the fact they won't be vaccinated a month before, then they are dead.


"That can happen to you."

Anonymous ID: 25056a Dec. 29, 2021, 12:06 p.m. No.15273752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4120 >>4161 >>4472

Aaron Rodgers goes off on critics, NFL: 'If science can't be questioned,' then it's 'propaganda'


Star Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers delivered another juicy sound bite on "The Pat McAfee Show" Tuesday afternoon, declaring to his critics that "if science can't be questioned," it's "propaganda."


The future Hall of Famer — who is notably not vaccinated against COVID-19 — also raised eyebrows during his weekly interview on McAfee's show when he blasted the NFL's "two-class system" for vaccinated and unvaccinated players and alleged that "behind closed doors," the league is actually discussing many of the same treatment options that he has championed.


“I do know behind the scenes, this is 100% true, there are many teams who are using or recommending a lot of the same treatments that I got for their players,” Rodgers said. “There are treatments being talked about behind closed doors, but publicly, I don’t understand why we can’t talk about treatments.”


“That’s the truth," Rodgers said. "When someone comes out with a scientific study, what do they always say? They say it’s a peer review. What does that mean? It means people in the same field have gone through it, questioned the hypothesis, questioned the research, and looked it up to see if this research stands up. That’s what science is all about.”

Rodgers has become the subject of cancel-culture fury in recent weeks ever since news broke that he had contracted the virus and was unvaccinated. The "woke mob" vitriol only increased after the Green Bay Packer revealed that, once infected, he consulted with Joe Rogan and used ivermectin to treat his infection. Rodgers has claimed that he is allergic to some of the ingredients in the mRNA vaccines.


Following his speedy recovery from the virus, Rodgers began to use his voice to scrutinize the NFL and the public health community at large for solely pushing vaccine mandates rather than messaging about general health and well-being and various treatment options for the infected.


Starting this season, the NFL rolled out stringent COVID-19 guidelines for unvaccinated players, subjecting them to daily testing, required mask-wearing, and lengthy forced quarantines upon contraction of the virus. The goal was clearly to coerce players to get vaccinated.


"The one frustration that I have in all of this is that throughout this entire time, there hasn’t been a real conversation around health, as far as giving people things to think about like how to be healthier, as far as your diet, and vitamins and exercise," Rodgers said last week on McAfee's show.


"The other thing that hasn't been talked about is treatments," he added. "I've talked to a lot of friends who had COVID, including Joe [Rogan], and figured out a protocol that I had ready in case I got COVID."


On this Tuesday's show, Rodgers again criticized the NFL for continuing to operate under a "two-class system" and message that unvaccinated players are the ones causing league-wide spread of the pathogen.

Anonymous ID: 25056a Dec. 29, 2021, 12:10 p.m. No.15273770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3819 >>4157 >>4161 >>4472

Teacher who ‘stalked’ kids online for LGBTQ club responds to backlash

A California middle school teacher who admitted she “totally stalked” student online activity to identify candidates for an LGBTQ club said her explosive comments were made “tongue in cheek,” according to a new report.


Buena Vista Middle School staffers Lori Caldeira and Kelly Baraki ignited an ongoing controversy in the small Spreckels Union School District after they spoke about their recruitment approach at an October LGBTQ conference.


“When we were doing our virtual learning — we totally stalked what they were doing on Google, when they weren’t doing schoolwork,” Caldeira said at the gathering. “One of them was Googling ‘Trans Day of Visibility.’ And we’re like, ‘Check.’ We’re going to invite that kid when we get back on campus.”


An attendee recorded the remarks and sent them to journalist Abigail Shrier, who later wrote about the matter.


The school’s LGBTQ club, called You Be You, has since been suspended and the teachers have been on administrative leave pending an ongoing internal investigation.


In her first comments since the controversy mushroomed, one of the teachers told the San Francisco Chronicle that she and her colleague did not set out to surveil kids and were using approved GoGuardian tracking software.


The program, which saw widespread adoption during the onset of remote learning, allows teachers to see what their students are doing in order to prevent online misconduct.


“I see a site that’s emblazoned with rainbows,” Caldeira said. “How am I not going to notice that?”

Caldeira and Baraki also conceded that they purposefully limited documentation of the club or its members in order to limit parental knowledge of its workings.


Some families objected to the tactics and said the teachers were attempting to supplant parents as the primary influences in their kids’ lives.


But the teachers told the outlet that students were already under the sway of social media platforms, and that they were addressing pre-existing questions and concerns rather than raising them


“Their parents think we start that conversation, but we don’t,” Caldeira said. “TikTok starts it, Snapchat starts it, Instagram starts it or their classmates start it, and then we just try to answer the questions as honestly and fairly as we can.”


The teachers said they were concerned about the well-being of the club’s members now that it has been temporarily disbanded.


“Can you imagine? Seriously, we have kids in our club right now who are out at school, (but) they’re not out at home. The only two teachers that they have ever spoken to have been taken away,” Caldeira said.

The club, the teachers said, offered an outlet to kids who were uncomfortable broaching LGBTQ matters at home.


The controversy mushroomed again earlier this month after a district parent said her daughter’s name and pronouns were changed without her consent and that the school called Child Protective Services on her for objecting.


“You took away my ability to parent my child, even before I had any knowledge,” Jessica Konen said at the meeting. “I didn’t even get to show support. You asked for support, I didn’t get the chance.”


The case against Konen and her husband was later dropped.


The district has not yet given a timeline for its probe or the potential reinstatement of the club and the two teachers.


Caldeira and Baraki told the Chronicle they are afraid to leave their homes in the wake of the firestorm and that they have received threats.

Anonymous ID: 25056a Dec. 29, 2021, 12:25 p.m. No.15273839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3857 >>3862 >>3880 >>4161 >>4232 >>4249 >>4472

Fauci Moves Goalposts Again, Says Shutting Down the Country is Bad For People’s Health


Dr. Fauci moved the goalposts again as the CDC shifts policies to help Joe Biden and the Democrats going into 2022.


The CDC suddenly updated its Covid guidelines and took into consideration the economic impact that long quarantine times and forced isolation has on society.


A quick recap of the CDC’s sudden shift in the last 48 hours after Biden said “there is no federal solution to Covid”:


The CDC was wrong about Omicron and they suddenly shifted their guidelines on quarantine times in just a matter of 24 hours.

The CDC on Monday recommended shorter Covid isolation and quarantine time for all Americans.

The CDC made the decision to cut isolation time from 10 to 5 days in an effort to help Joe Biden and make sure there isn’t a total collapse of society under his watch.

The CDC withdrew the use of PCR tests for Covid and finally admitted the test cannot differentiate between Covid and the flu.

The CDC also admitted testing at the end of isolation is no longer needed because the PCR and antigen tests are faulty.


CDC Director Walensky on Wednesday said the decision to update Covid guidelines was in part due to making sure society doesn’t collapse.


Fauci moved the goalposts, defended the CDC’s new guidelines and said lockdowns are bad for people’s health.


“When you shut down society, when you shut down the country, there’s a lot of deleterious effects that go along with that, that go well beyond the economy — the availability of people to get things done for their own health,” Fauci said.


He continued, “When you shut down the country, you have people who have other diseases who don’t have the opportunity to get their HIV tests, to get their HIV meds to get their mammograms, to get their colonoscopies — all the things you do — when you shut down, there’s a lot of deleterious effects that go well beyond the economy…”


So now it’s okay to have this point of view?


Anyone who said exactly what Fauci just said was called a “grandma killer” for the past year-and-a-half.