Anonymous ID: bfef43 Dec. 29, 2021, 12:20 p.m. No.15273812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3889 >>4161 >>4472


It's simple…

To protect against retroviruses you need Zinc in your cells

It is not enough to take zinc supplements

You want to optimize how they are absorbed so take organic forms

Zinc citrate or bisglycinate or glucconate or picolinate or acetate or even sulfate

Zinc sulfate is hard to find because it is a MEDICATION to treat acne

You can get extra strength supplements with two or three forms of Zinc.


The organic zinc forms get absorbed into the bloodstream where the zinc ions are released

But you also need a zinc ionophore that encourages the zinc ions to enter your cells

This is where Green Tea comes in because it contains EGCG which is a zinc ionophore

Green tea is readily available, and as demand for it increases,

Tea growers can simply stop fermenting the tea leaves to make black tea

Long term, this is the ionophore to use and to teach your kids and grandchildren about

Short term you can also use Quercetin or Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine


Remember that all of these substances have multiple effects so they do more than one thing

But you cannot extrapolate from the fact that certain Malaria medication are zinc ionophores

To assume that all of them are.

For instance, Artemisinin extracted from Sweet Annie is a widely used Malaria medication in Africa

But it is not a zinc ionophore.


This post is focused on building up a shield in your cells that blocks retroviruses from reproducing

Which requires them to use Reverse Transcriptase in your cells to make copies of their genetic material

Zinc inhibits Reverse Transcriptase

It does not cure COVID or any retrovirus

It merely blocks a key mechanism that they hijack


It would be wise to also take

Vitamin D3 plus Magnesium to boost your immune system

CO-Q10 plus Selenium to strengthen your cardiovascular system


Do NOT trust medical experts

Check all medical advice by reading articles at


After you have been taking Zinc for a while you will probably wonder if it is working.

Here is how I know that it works

3 times in 2021, I have woken with an slight inflamation in my nose/sinus

And a vague headache

As the morning progressed, both symptoms got worse and I developed a mild fever.

Some kind of cold or flu

So by noon, I took 1 cold and flu remedy which has acetaminophen and something to reduce sinus swelling

And went to sleep.

2-3 hour later I woke up and had no symptoms at all.

In the past, a mild cold/flu took 2 weeks to fade away

And I usually had at least one a year that lasted a couple of months

To me this is evidence that Zinc does indeed work

I have a few unprotected cells; enough to get some symptoms

But too few for the virus to get hold and spread.

Anonymous ID: bfef43 Dec. 29, 2021, 12:36 p.m. No.15273889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4161 >>4452 >>4472


If you cannot get ZINC SULFATE as recommended by Zelenko, there is another way.


You know that if you take a Zinc compound, when it is dissolved in the blood, a Zinc ion detaches from the rest of the molecule. So if you could take a sulfate compound along with Zinc citrate or Zinc bisglycinate then you would have both Zinc ions and Sulfate ions in your bloodstream.


Glucosamine sulfate is just such a readily available OTC food supplement. A picture of the molecule after being dissolved, is attached.

Anonymous ID: bfef43 Dec. 29, 2021, 12:38 p.m. No.15273898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3987 >>4161 >>4188 >>4253 >>4318 >>4472

Important message here!!!

There are no quick fixes

No heroes to swoop down and save us

Just a long grind with lots of work yo do

First big step will be getting majority control in both House of Representatives and the Senate in November next year

Then 2 more years to control of Presidency

And then more work cleaning out corruption all over everywhere


Lots of work for all of us

Because if we clean up corruption in our towns and counties

Then the end game will finish sooner.

Thay way…

More of us will see true FREEDOM before we die.