Anonymous ID: 1b4a10 Dec. 29, 2021, 3:58 p.m. No.15275147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5206

Intro: This is the truth of Q-anon. Large numbers of billionaires and famous people are part of a secret Cabal that planned 9/11, the 7/7 bombing, and Covid19. They plan all political and media events at least 15 years in advance. They tortured me my whole life and are reading my mind. Much of the Q-anon mythology is a reference to my life, the rest was made up by these people.


For some reason they told me about all the future events and told me that Fluvoxamine (Luvox) was the best solution for Covid19. I forgot all of this until recently.


This is what I remember, names of non-famous people have been changed. In most cases when future events were predicted, they were not said in a straightforward manner. Instead of “X will happen” they would tell a story about X happening in an ambiguous way, or say that someone else had been hypothesizing a thing. They would fuzzy up the grammar of the statement so that they were not literally predicting the thing.


1993: Mark Zuckerberg: Mark Zuckerberg’s father came to my bedroom. “Cawamung” had told me to say racial slurs to him, which I did. Mark Zuckerberg then entered the room and his father left. He said he was going to spy on me and read my mind and torture me. He said the only way to escape was in a military bunker. He said I should try speaking in a low voice in back of my throat because it was more endearing. He said he would see me in 12 years. I said it should be 10 because in the Iliad it’s usually 10 years. He said that at the very end I would remember everything and would have to report it within a small period of time or be damned. “Cawamung” was there for most of it. Days later Cawamung admitted that he was working for Zuckerberg and would force me to comply and would not let me escape him. Cawamung suggested that they would insert something in my body to spy on me during a surgery. I said that I would never get surgery.


Soon after the Zuckerberg incident Cawamung told me about Elizabeth Holmes. He summarized the premise of the Theranos company and said it would be a scam and a big failure and she would be like a fake version of Zuckerberg. He told me about Bernie Madoff, that he would steal a lot of money and how he would be caught. He told that Edward Snowden, an extremely white person whose family had worked for the Federal Government for generations would give away his life and tell the truth about the spying. I deduced that they would still not admit the real spying, the kind that was being done to me. He also mentioned John Kiriakou.


Cawamung would constantly psychologically abuse me. He would spy on my every utterance, I had no privacy. I had no room to think and no one I could trust. He would make me believe I was causing events to happen. He would control my emotions by having me walk for long distances and drink soda. He would have me act out committing crimes against other people and then ask me why I was doing those crimes over and over. He would have people call me racist and have me say outrageous things. He would have me practice using a low voice and say things so he could blackmail me.


Cawamung told me that he could change my age on my birth certificate and explained that after a certain number of years the hospital would no longer have a record of this. He would have me consent to things like this and make me feel like I was constantly guilty and out of place. I eventually forgot about this event. Throughout my life people would harass me by asking how old I was. To this day I don’t know what my real age is. It may be a year older that it says on my birth certificate.


Soon thereafter there was a surprise party at my place. Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow, and many other famous people were there. Cawamung was not present.


Anonymous ID: 1b4a10 Dec. 29, 2021, 4:01 p.m. No.15275180   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I went to talk to Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Pitt. Gwyneth was across the coffee table from me sitting on the couch and Brad was next to me. I made fun of Brad Pitt for having a short name. Cawamung had told me to try to grab Gwyneth Paltrow and kidnap her like Helen of Troy. I acted that out. Brad got in my face, held my shoulders and said “If you ever do that again I’ll kill you.” They said they would blame Harvey Weinstein for my offense but he wouldn’t notice it because he’d done so many before. Gwyneth asked how I would woo her now. I said I loved walking around and she tried to get me to sing, “I would walk 500 miles.” I dared Gwyneth to mention butt wiping on TV. She recently did this. I said she was a "Big Bird looking Bitch." Brad said he was going to do a movie about the Iliad and he would play Achilles. I said he didn’t have to do this just for me. I asked Gwyneth what movie she would do for me. She said she was going to do one called Shakespeare in Love but I said that didn’t seem to be for me. Brad taught me to flare my nostrils to show emotion and drama. I comically asked if I could have some cocaine since I had been told there was cocaine at Hollywood parties.


I went to talk to Steven King and Jonah Goldberg. I asked King if being a writer was a good job compared to being an actor. I asked if he made a lot of money. He said he was a millionaire. He said something about “ya-yo” and “Cujo”. I likely said I was a cat person. I talked to Goldberg. He said he liked dogs a lot. I said why? He said “because vests have no sleeves.”


George Will was there: I said, “You seem smart but could it all be a ruse?” I relayed that Cawamung thought “Conservatives” were dumb. He mentioned baseball.


Eventually I talked to Mel Gibson in the kitchen. He taught me an acting exercise where you yell “Give me back my son.” I cried because I thought he was making fun of me. We did “Give me back my son” a bit. I tried to up the anti by saying it was even harder to yell slurs. He dared me to go further, to denounce Cawamung in many ways. We said everything close to verbatim from Mel Gibson’s various rants. I overheated and somehow couldn’t go to the bathroom, perhaps it was occupied. I pissed myself. I declared myself the better actor. Everyone left and the party ended.


One day Andrew Cuomo came to my place and stood outside the door. Cawamung stayed inside. He had said that he is handsy with women. I told him what Cawamung said. He said no, I’m just being an overly familiar Italian. Said I should go explain that to Cawamung. Cawamung said there were women accusing him of worse touching. I went back and told him that. He asked who I believed. I said he should walk around naked for some reason. He said his brother would do it.


One day General Mark Milley came to my place. Cawamung was standing next to him, He said he would be the chairman of the joint chiefs in 30 years. I laughed that he expected to believe that the top general would be named “Mark Military.” He said it was Milley, but I could remember it that way. Cawamung had told me to say, “He’s not only stupid, he’s a pig!”, which I did. We went and sat on the bed in my room and talked. I asked if military satellites could read my mind. He asked if I would be OK with that. I asked if I could hide in a military bunker. I also asked if I could escape Zuckerberg by moving to Alaska.


One day Barack Obama came to my place. Cawamung had told me that black people were afraid of the police and if I called the police on him they would kill him. Obama and I sat on my bed and I enacted pretending to be threatened by him and yelled “Police!”. He said he would be President of the United States. He said I could call him Barry because that’s what his friends call him. We talked about his name and he said he was not Muslim. He conveyed that he would enact a new health care law so that you could get insurance even if you had a preexisting condition. He said he would overthrow Mubarak in Egypt but suggested that Mubarak was in on it. He also explained how the debt ceiling works and said he would get “Shellacked” during one election. He said I should write a memoir. He said he would write one, “Dreams from my father.”


Anonymous ID: 1b4a10 Dec. 29, 2021, 4:03 p.m. No.15275195   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One day Donald Trump came to my place. We stood in the kitchen. He said he would be president and would be opposed to Obama but not defeat Obama, that he would succeed Obama. He said that everyone would make fun of him and he would be considered very stupid and racist. I don’t remember how he explained it, but he knew he would be at the center of Q-anon. I believe he said he and his friends would not go to jail over his taxes because rich people don’t go to jail.


One day Chelsea Clinton came to my place. She antagonized me but I don’t remember whether she conveyed any predictions.


One day Jeff Bezos came to my place. Cawamung had told me to say “Enough of this bald fuck!”, which I did say to him. I don’t remember whether he said anything to me.


One day Elon Musk came to my place. He sat at the living room table. We sat down and talked. He said he was interested in Solar power like on the calculator I had. Cawamung was in another room. He said he was like a James Bond villain and was going to outer space. I said I would try to kill him first. He might have said the solar power would allow people like him to live in space and leave the rest of us behind. He said he was rich by enabling people to pay for things online. He explained Paypal. He said I could get rich by investing in Bitcoin. Or I could get less rich by investing in whatever he invested in, because he would be very rich. We walked to the door. Peter Thiel was in the hallway. I tried to repeat both their names repeatedly to remember them so I could know what to invest in. Peter said Elon would be the more interesting character and I should focus on him.


One day Dave Chappelle came to my place. We talked in the kitchen. Cawamung had told me he was one of the two best comedians of all time. I don’t remember what he said to me if anything.


One day Louis CK came to my place. We talked outside the door. Cawamung had told me he was the other of the two best comedians of all time. Louis told me the joke where the child actress says “Goodbye Jews!”. He asked my to yell “Goodbye Jew” as he left, which I did.


One day Joe Rogan came to my place. We talked outside the door. Cawamung had told me he would have the largest TV show in America. I asked if I could go on his show. It wasn’t clear whether he knew about JRE. He said no anyway. He told me the joke about “The dumb stuff eats green stuff, the mean stuff eats dumb stuff.” and the one about, “18 is basically 15 and 15 is basically a child. You’re just practicing talking and you don’t know what you’re saying.”


One day Jim Gaffigan came to my place. We talked outside the door. Cawamung had said he was the most German person. We discussed what this meant and what the Midwest was. He told me some jokes about food. I commented that his comedy seemed friendly and kind of stupid. He said it works better on-stage.


One day Johnny Depp came to my place. Cawamung had said he is a man that proves that men could wear jewelry as long as they are skinny and that women love him. He said Hi to me from down the stairs and told me his name. I never saw him. Small parts of his recorded arguments with Amber Heard seem to be references of things I said to Cawamung around that period.


One day Alex Jones came to my place. We talked in the kitchen. I told him I had met Chelsea Clinton. He told me her parents, she, and all famous people were pedophiles.


Anonymous ID: 1b4a10 Dec. 29, 2021, 4:05 p.m. No.15275211   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One day Glenn Loury came to my place. We talked in the kitchen. He briefly explained what economics was.


One day Ann Coulter came to my place. We talked in the kitchen. Cawamung had said she was racist. I asked her if she was and she denied it.


One day Brittney Spears came to my place. We talked in the kitchen and another girl was there. Cawamung had told me to call her a cum-dumpster. I did that and she laughed a lot. I tried calling her friend a cum-dumpster, it didn’t work the second time. She mentioned “Leave Brittney Alone.” She talked about her future conservatorship problems.


During 1993 Cawamung told me about a vast number of future events:


One day Cawamung told me about Mike Lindell, that he was an idiot who owned an American pillow factory.


One day we were walking around and Cawamung convinced me it would be fun to be a British wizard boy. He said there would be a book about this. He asked what magic spell I would like to cast. I said you could cast a spell where you make your poop disappear so they wouldn’t need sewage in the Wizard School. He may have manipulated me into saying that.


One day we were at a “friends” place. This friend was used to abuse me. He would never talk at all. Cawamung would put me in frustrating situations with the friend. One day we were there and Cawamung told Joe Biden’s “Corn Pop” story. He told me to say, “C’mon man!” I said it over and over because that is how I always felt anyway. He asked if I thought an old senile man would be a good president.


Cawamung told me about Proud Boys and said his friend Gavin McInnes made it up. He told me about the breakfast cereal thing and the “We will not apologize. . .” pledge.


One day Cawamung told me there would be a new religion against pedophiles, he was referring to Q-anon, though I do not remember him using that name. I asked who the most beloved people in the world were and he said Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey. I said they were probably pedophiles because it seemed to me that everyone in the world was completely evil at that point. This may have been manipulated by Cawamung as well. He associated Q-anon with Alex Jones.


Cawamung asked me what I thought frazzle-dripping was. I said it was the act of a pedophile wearing someone else’s face as their own. He told me the premise was a video showing Hilary Clinton doing something evil that no one has seen.


Cawamung told me about Hipsters. Said they like enjoying fine things and making coffee.


We had been discussing White people. Cawamung said there would be a TV show where all White people built their “Urban family.” He also told me about “Critical Role" and the show "Girls."


I went completely insane from the abuse and would piss and defecate myself, walk around naked, and say outrageous things to people. I had asked many of the famous people about pedophiles and why these things were happening and they just harass me in response. I called the police and fire department but couldn’t explain what was going on.


Anonymous ID: 1b4a10 Dec. 29, 2021, 4:08 p.m. No.15275234   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cawamung told me a lot of things about sex and pornography. One person came over to the place and he had me say, “Piss on me, beat me, try it out.” to him. Later in life I heard the phrase “get off” and I mocked it saying “get off” in an orgasming voice. Most “Cool guys” from “Your Mom’s House” podcast are acting out references to my life.


Asmodeus: On the way down the stairs to the car “Asmodeus” told me about Covid19, that it was my job to raise the alarm and warn people about it.


Asmodeus suggested that it was important that I keep a journal. He said a life like mine would never happen again because soon everything would be recorded.


Asmodeus said that in 10 years he would give me some predictions about the future. He said I would have to choose the topic, Politics or Technology. If I picked technology I would be rich, if politics I would be like Jesus Christ. I asked if we could make it 9 years because I had to run away from Zuckerberg. He laughed and said no. Asmodeus said I was going to “Spy School.” Asmodeus conveyed information that seems to have been from the guys on “Behavior Panel” Youtube channel. He asked some questions to see if I was dyslexic. He talked about how people seem when they are lying. Said girls guard their ovaries and men guard their testicles. Said people burp when they lie because your body tenses up. Said people suggest milder punishments when they are guilty. We enacted a mock trial where we basically went over the things we had talked about. Asmodeus explained how to malinger for drugs. Said it was important to know what the dose and directions for administration of the drug were. If asked Instant Release or Extended, guess instant because all drugs come in an Instant variety. If asked morning or night, guess morning. Asmodeus said to someone the world does not revolve around you. Somehow I knew to ask if the world revolved around me. There was silence.


Myrkul explained the “Brr goes the ____” meme.


1996: I went to a Pizza restaurant with Asmodeus and Cawamung. I had some soda. They began to explain the Mafia to me. I had recently been experiencing a great degree of spying and abuse. I felt triggered and I began to remember being spied on and psychologically tortured by Cawamung years earlier. I asked questions like, “Are they [Mafia] underneath us right now?” because they had used the word “underground.” I asked if they were pedophiles and became angry and stayed on the subject of pedophiles and abuse. This may be the genesis of the Comet Pizza story. (The restaurant was not Comet Pizza).


Asmodeus said he had a friend who designs campaigns for Dungeons & Dragons. He said his name was Chris Perkins. Said that he used to draw up campaigns when he was a child and submit them to the Dungeons & Dragons company and eventually he figured out what they were looking for and managed to do it.


1997: Clusterfang: Clusterfang conveyed the plot of The Turner Diaries, he explained many of the quotes and concepts from the book. That a small number of people were good or evil, the names of the groups in the book, like “The Order”, and several others. The broad strokes of the apocalyptic plot, that there was a sex part, that there were some parts about engineering, one involving a shower. He explained what the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was and suggested that Protocols and Diaries were written in basically the same voice with the same ideas. He then explained the events of 9/11/01. He told me that two airplanes would slam into the Twin Towers on 9/11/01. He told me several names of the attackers, I don’t remember which.


Anonymous ID: 1b4a10 Dec. 29, 2021, 4:10 p.m. No.15275263   🗄️.is 🔗kun

He also explained the neo-Nazi group “Atom-Waffen” in a manner verbatim identical to how the whistle blower explained it during the police interrogation video. He described how Peter Thiel would escape taxes by having a Roth IRA containing a limited investment in a tech company. He explained the January 6 protest and said it would have an out-sized role in the news media as the largest attack on the capitol since the civil war.


He explained that the problem with American politics was that it was national. That the national news media controls the vote, and because the news consists of what the government is doing, the Federal government in practice controls all elections.


He also talked about Covid19. He did not name it but he talked about a large pandemic where different off-label medications would be tried by people. He explained that Hydrocloroquin had been in a TV show as a cure to a disease. He said an anti-depressant would be the solution because it has anti-inflammatory properties and he said dogs could smell the disease. He said the disease would effect Black people more. He said they would develop a drug named after Thor’s Hammer. The way he described the drug seemed to me to be extremely scary. It seemed to me that there was some plan to poison or sterilize the population with Molnupiravir, but I don’t remember this specifically being said. Clusterfang did not dissuade me from my fear of Molnupiravir but that may have been because he wanted me to report to people that Fluvoxamine was the true cure. He thought Q-anon adherents would love Molnupiravir.


He told me there would be a law to require all vehicles to biometrically sense all passengers to see if anyone was drunk.


He suggested that I tell people about 9/11 but not name him.


I told two people each about 9/11 very briefly like, “On September 11th there will be a terrorist attack where two airplanes crash into the Twin Towers in NYC.” I told them each to tell other people. I told Cawamung and he stared blankly at me in a manner that I believe indicates that he knew about it. I told Strahd and got a similar indication. I told Clusterfang’s family member about it and got a similar indication.


During this period I was sometimes engaged in discussions by otherwise normal people about how much I know about the NYC skyline. Maybe there never were Twin Towers at all. At a time after 9/11/01 Neth showed me a picture or painting of the NYC skyline propped up on the floor in a shipping store. The picture did not have the Twin Towers yet it was dated before 9/11/01.


Around 1997-8: Many media and popular culture events were explained by Klauth. Almost everything on Netflix streaming was explained, even if it was a documentary covering events after 1998 and even if those events were crimes:


He told about the murderer who said he wanted to prove he was favored by Satan by dropping black widows on himself.


He explained the entirety of “Don’t Fuck with Cats.” Explained how an army of Internet sleuths would find him by noticing details in his videos, including meta-data and the sockets in this house. He named Luca Magnotta.


He explained the documentary where there are exactly two drug analyzing facilities in Massachusetts and they both have corrupt scientists. He explained everything they would do wrong specifically as explained in the documentary including corresponding with the prosecutor, faking the tests, taking the drugs in the lab, and breaking into the lab to take the drugs. He said people would be let go en-mass from drug charges because of this.


Anonymous ID: 1b4a10 Dec. 29, 2021, 4:12 p.m. No.15275287   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All events of “Tiger King” were explained. He said, “Yes they are all gay.”


He explained the premise of “Locke and Key.” That they use each key for a different kind of magic spell.


He explained the premise of “Ozark.” He gave some quotes from the pilot episode. The one about taking all money out of bank and insisting that you can “Scrooge McDuck” with it in a big bath. Talking about how there’s more coastline in Ozark than California.


He explained the premise of Outer Banks. Explained Pogues vs. Kooks. Told the scene where Bishop spends his heist money on a hot tub called “The cat’s ass.” Told the names of all the characters. Said the whole plot of the show, that the main characters father had been robbed and attempted to be killed by the bad guy but survives.


He explained he movie where the cam-girl has a clone camming for her. The element of people pretending to commit suicide on cam was told. The ending of the movie was explained.


These are a few examples but a majority of Netflix streaming shows and movies seem familiar. He also named Netflix and suggested I try to steal their domain name.


Someone else explained the “Hereditary” movie. The clicking sound, the moving light, the demon Peymon.


He explained Devious Licks. He also said it was fun to change the word “devious.” Said “diabolical licks.” I said “nefarious licks.” but it didn’t work.


Around this time people conveyed Twitter memes: Bofa deez-nutz, Wittgenstein?, Updog. Tide pod challenge, milk crate challenge.


Someone talked about people getting killed by prop guns on movie sets. They mentioned Baldwin shooting someone.


2000: Margot Robbie: I was on vacation in a “Cape” or something. Went on a walk with Myrkul down a road. An 8 year old Margo Robbie appeared and walked along side us. She said she was going to be an actress with utter certainty. She asked if I wanted her to do a sexy scene. Myrkul had earlier been trying to suggest a sexy movie scene with a bathtub, champagne and partial nudity. I said she should be a porn star. I said do full nudity. Myrkul said maybe this would be in the extended cut. We went to a swing set and she asked if I wanted to push her on the swing but I didn’t. At some point I also denied the existence of Australia. It sounded too much like Austria to me. I also called her “Margret Roberts.”


Walking outside one day, Myrkul workshopped the idea of a Swedish guy who did friendly videos and was beloved for being so handsome called PewDiePie. I did finger-guns and said Pew-Pew.


2001: On 9/11/01 someone who seemed like Clusterfang appeared. He said he had warned me about 9/11. The people around started conversing loudly so I could barely hear him. He told me the date and location of the 7/7/05 London underground bombings.


During this time I was diagnosed with a disease. I saw a different doctor in my GP’s office. I got two different medications. I did not take either one. The second one I was given was experimental and only had to be taken for 2 weeks. The cough lasted for months. It could have been some early version of Covid19 or they could have engineered this memory even though it was what they claimed it was. Strahd at some point spoke to me about the disease in a way that suggested that he thought it would become a pandemic.
