Anons - GMax was OMAHA BEACH
We're ready to re-take a LOT of land.
Here's the most fucked up thing: GMax went to court today expecting to be exonerated and SO DID MOSSAD.
The DECLARATION OF WAR by Israel and the CCP has been PROVEN
Watch what happens.
Has Poso proved himself? We might want to open the gate for him. Poso is torching them daily.
I'm going to catch hell for this.
GMax proves Trump is still President
Open season on Israel, employer of Epstein and Maxwell. Proof, not conjecture.
They tried everything, promoting the judge, badgering the jury, skipping days and keeping the entire process out of sync.
That jury was gold.
GMax is the string on the dog food bag that when pulled releases the entire contents of the bag.
Anons, get some cognac and the pots. You earned today. They had no way out because Q+ is holding the cards and one of those cards is us.
There are two DOJ's
There are two FBI's
There are two US Federal Bureau of Prisons
GMAX will be a Federal Prisoner. DeepState has now lost control of their witness / informer and now the White Hat FBI/DOJ has access to GMax through the BOP (Bureau of Prisons).
Play the game with Q+. Quit thinking 'fair' and 'just'. We're the team that fights the most depraved and disingenuous seedy characters. Vaccine / Gmax - We're dealing with trash mouth people. We're dealing with lies and liars and sorting out the truth. As bad as it looks we're actually holding our own. Play the game with Q+. We're not policy makers. We're soldiers. Trump (Patton) makes the call and we carry it out. Our disagreement is irrelevant. Digital Information Warfare = Digital Information Soldiers on the Q+ backchannel. Unity will define, not defeat us.
Anons are the controversial stable and consistent voice that can indeed be a part of taking the bullhorn away from Fake News.
Anons / Citizen Journalists were right there looking at that Judge getting a promotion mid trial and the harassment of the jury by the judge to expedite.
When we watch them like a hawk this happens: Rittenhouse, Baldwin, Fairfax County, GMax.
Dark to Light
Anons / Citizen Journalists - are you now NOW starting to realize your stature, outreach, inside track, future and ground floor involvement in creating the path for America to go from dark to light?
Dirk Deep Diggler really proved that staying on the world stage without distraction and OWNING IT like you've been there before is quite a handful.
Anons, we have to get a bit serious. BV / BO / Jim are doing what it takes to keep you on the air with your overnight numbers being better than any news outlet paid to do this job. All your life you wanted the microphone and now you've got it - world wide. Handle with care, but god damn, let's get some shit done and quit mealy mouthing around.
Humanity vs AI for control of the Internet.
Anons mean more than you can possibly know right now but for the moment that's not the discussion. Anons are the wheat that is dropped in fertile soil and sprouts and is fruitful. Believe in yourselves. God is betting big on you and God rarely bets on anything. Humanity is very very special to God for many reasons you could spend lifetimes studying.
God wins and God's team get's the victory spoils which are not spoils but blessings for their faith that drove the success.
Someone has to be on Omaha Beach.
Someone has to be the first through the broken down wall.
Someone has to be the first to drop the bs and embrace the truth.
Anons, we are the bleeding edge. It's not fair. It's not just because it is in wartime conditions. Nevertheless we have to prevail. We have to ascend to the highest and most honorable because of the hundreds of millions and in some cases billions, we represent in debate and disclosure.
Anons are the highest honor to serve and be a part of. History will be very kind to anons.
Poso cares very much what anons think. We're a ragtag band of warriors changing the world. The number converted already far outnumbers us as it should.
Do you want to bitch about the world or change the world where more people think like you think? Don't be afraid of success
I'm going to catch hell again here:
Anons, the world is coming to you. You don't have to go seek it. It's rushing to you. The flock has been startled. The herd has been spooked. They are coming to you faster than you realize. Anons, QUIT DICKING WITH NEGATIVE PEOPLE. Pick and choose your interactions. There will be a flood (avalanche, D5) of anons coming to you with sincere questions.
Our reality is about to change. People will seek your advice. Anons you have to get in a good place. Take walks. Improve eating and health. The Nation needs you, every one of you.
Deep Digs offline anon (non-discord) lounge.
I vote to keep Dirk Deep Digglers. Could be re-purposed imho
Anons get paid subscription VPN - InfoSec is real. C'mon anons. Q Research is good to you. VPN in
And he stayed on what he believed instead of what the profit dictated.
Boston didn't get the operator but they got the architecture and broke the Bambino curse
Winning is more important than who you steal the gameplan from.
I'm telling you straight up Billy Beane is somewhere saying 'fuck yeah, I told you so'.
Billy Beane quote of this Generation - "In the end it wasn't what we knew, it was the questions we never thought about asking."
Jonathan Pollard is a squashed bug on a windshield compared to GMax.
Have faith in Q+ - He knows exactly what he's doing.
I'll try to speak my best gibberish
Esrael exposed. All elements of Foreign and Defense compromised (corporate and multi stockholder and hidden investors)
Corporation pretending to be a Country. No relation to Israel internal governance. Off the rails outlying office for the CCP.
Shit's about to get real. Dual Citizenship is so over.
For decades - Israeli foreign aid from America went almost exclusively into the pockets of Merck and Pfizer