Anonymous ID: c3f9fe Dec. 29, 2021, 3:21 p.m. No.15274842   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One of our greatest fighters is perplexing the hell out of anon. Whenever catch a Lindell Report, hear Mike vent regarding "Conservative Media" not saying anything about anything, always naming faux & newsmax. Hey Mike, ever hear of a ladfy named Christina BOBB? How about a guy named Pearson Sharp?

Of course you also wouldn't know about Kara McKinney, Dan Ball, or Natalie Harp either, eh? Well THEY CERTAINLY KNOW ABOUT YOU! Surely Our President, Liz Harrington, Wendy Rogers, and many others who faux won't allow to tell any truths could get you up to speed… Call Liz up, why don't you.


Not sure if he considers OANN, which HAS been reporting every damned thing 24-7, as "competition, but he needs to realize this:

He said he advertises on faux, but isn't allowed to have anything related to FrankSpeech (elction fraud, chynaflu truths) on the ads. He reasons that, while he's not making money, "the fox viewers will go to My Pillow website and see FrankSpeech linked there". (paraphrasing)


Memo to Mike, who seems to be shooting all of his efforts in the foot:

Faux demographics are going to DIAL in more than not. Even moreso, anyone still looking to faux isn't going to get anywhere on the Internet to see "crazy conspiracy theories - which fox would report on if legit''.

(Don't say these people don't exist, either – surrounded by them! They know absolutely NOTHING about anything.)


OANN has aired every Mike Lindell Documentary, as well as Cyber Symposium in its entirety. You'd think he'd at least mention this alternative to his (online FrankSpeech) viewers so that perhaps they could TELL their tv/faux-loyalist friends & relatives that there IS a legitimate NEWS network on the TV dial? If they don't have it, let them change providers and cease giving CommieCast, Cox, and the other COMMUNISTIC Information Suppressors the $$$ - as Mike still does with FAUX.


How many ADS, Mike, do you air on OANN, which isn't $$$ controlled by big pharma & NWO/UniParty/SOROS? How about compared to the literal fucking ENEMY within within, faux? Said it before: Why not throw some $$$$$$ at ISIS and/or the Lincoln Project while you're at it. They're both as "useful" as faux is.

faux very well may as well BE the damn Lincoln Project!