Anonymous ID: b54c9b Dec. 29, 2021, 5:14 p.m. No.15275664   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Dan Scavino Jr. Retweeted

Kamala Harris @KamalaHarris he first thing @JoeBiden and I will do in the White House is get this virus under control.

1:39 AM · Nov 3, 2020·Twitter Web App

Anonymous ID: b54c9b Dec. 29, 2021, 6:01 p.m. No.15275955   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5959

ICYMI: “I&I/TIPP Poll: 60% Of Republicans Want Trump To Run In 2024; Just 37% Of Dems Want Biden To”




Read the full article by Terry Jones with Issues & Insights here.


I&I/TIPP Poll: 60% Of Republicans Want Trump To Run In 2024; Just 37% Of Dems Want Biden To


When it comes to the 2024 presidential election, Republicans are far more enthusiastic about former President Trump running again than Democrats are about President Biden gaining a second term, new data from the December I&I/TIPP Poll show. It’s yet another sign that, a mere 11 months into his term, Biden’s support remains surprisingly weak within his own party.


The I&I/TIPP Poll gave respondents the names of Trump and 15 other possible Republican candidates, asking “Who do you want to see run for president on the Republican ticket in 2024?” We asked the same question for the Democrats. We wrote about those results last week here and here.


In our poll, 24% of those queried in whatever party said they wanted President Trump to run again, while 22% said they wanted Biden to do so.


But the apparent closeness of the support for the two possible candidates may be deceptive. A closer look at the data shows a wide disparity in actual support for the two candidates within their own parties.


As the poll numbers clearly show, Trump’s support within the Republican Party is far stronger than Biden’s within the Democratic Party. Among Republicans, 60% said they wanted Trump to run again for president in 2024. In contrast, just 37% of Democrats wanted Biden to run again in three years, a devastating sign of Biden’s weakening support within his own party.


Among independents, 17% express support for a Trump run in 2024, compared to just 8% for Biden, a worrisome data point for Democrats hoping to attract swing voters in coming elections.


All these data come from December’s I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,013 registered voters. The poll was conducted online from Dec. 1-4 by TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, I&I’s polling partner, with a margin of error of +/-3.2 percentage points.


One significant factor jumps out from the Trump data: None of the 15 other potential Trump challengers listed had double-digit support, so Trump has a large early edge for 2024. Former Vice President Mike Pence got closest, with 8% support, followed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (6%), and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley (5%), Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (3%), and New York Rep. Elise Stefanik and Florida Sen. Marco (both at 2%).


They were followed by Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, Florida Sen. Rick Scott, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse, and Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, all at 1%. “Other” received 8%, while “not sure” got 29%.

Anonymous ID: b54c9b Dec. 29, 2021, 6:01 p.m. No.15275959   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5974


Meanwhile, on the Democratic side, Biden’s own vice president, Kamala Harris garners 12% of overall support for a 2024 candidacy.


It’s unclear whether that’s because many voters assume the 79-year-old Biden, who turns 82 in 2024, won’t run again due to his age, or because of the current unpopularity of many of Biden’s signature policies, ranging from record spending on “Build Back Better” and a surge in illegal immigration, to COVID-19 lockdowns and the recent sharp jump in inflation to a 40-year high.


Which raises a question: Given all this, why are Trump and Biden, at 24% and 22% support respectively, so close in the overall tally? If Trump’s support among Republicans is so much stronger, why isn’t he farther ahead of Biden?


One big factor in Biden’s favor: race.


Trump gets 10% support from Black voters and 14% from Hispanic voters, I&I/TIPP data show, while Biden pulls 25% of the Black vote and 27% of the Hispanic vote. That’s a significant gap, though there are signs in many recent polls of a strong rightward shift in political leanings among Hispanic voters, who in 2020 for the first time surpassed 10% of the total vote.


But another important factor may be acting in Trump’s favor: Geography. While Trump might be the quintessential big city businessman, he’s far more popular in the suburbs and rural areas than in the big cities.


In heavily urban areas, just 17% say they want Trump to run in 2024, versus 28% for Joe Biden. But as the data move into the suburbs and beyond, that picture changes: Trump gets 24% of the suburban vote and 37% of the rural vote, compared to Biden’s 19% and 16%, respectively.


This is the “Blue State-Red State” dichotomy so frequently commented on by political analysts and pollsters. It’s very real and, if anything, widening even further in recent years.


Overall, registered voters know Trump well, given his four years as president. Whether they like his sometimes abrasive personality and “tweet storms” or not, many did like his policies. The same can’t be said for Biden, who seems to be falling behind Trump in national polls.


I&I/TIPP will continue to provide timely and informative data from our monthly polls on this topic and on others of interest in the coming weeks and months. TIPP has distinguished itself by being the most accurate pollster for the past five presidential elections.

Anonymous ID: b54c9b Dec. 29, 2021, 6:06 p.m. No.15275976   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5979

ICYMI: “CORTES–Even CNN’s Polling Shows Energized 2022 Voters Are Split on Whether 2020 Was Stolen”




Read the full article by Steve Cortes for the National Pulse here.


CORTES – Even CNN’s Polling Shows Energized 2022 Voters Are Split on Whether 2020 Was Stolen.


The deplorables aren't "over it" yet, and nor will they be.


As the new year beckons and the crucial 2022 mid-term elections loom large, it becomes increasingly evident that the smoke has still not cleared from the 2020 presidential election and the controversy over the accuracy of the official results.


If anything, recent polling data and the latest 2022 campaign dynamics suggest that the real energy of the Republican Party lies among highly-informed, keenly-motivated citizens who maintain that the November 3rd, 2020 vote was badly marred by irregularities and constitutional violations that anointed Joe Biden as an illegitimate president.


Even CNN acknowledges this reality, as expressed by their senior number cruncher Harry Enten in an article titled “Voters Who Think Trump Won Are the Most Enthusiastic to Vote in 2022.”


The polling from the leftist cable network reveals an astounding finding: of Americans who are enthusiastic to vote in 2022, citizens are split almost exactly in half on the question of whether or not Biden legitimately won the White House. Their survey shows that energized voters convey only a slight 52-47 percent belief that Biden was legally elected. Even the overall margin, not adjusted for voter enthusiasm, shows almost 40 percent of all voters reporting that Biden win was invalid.


Not surprisingly, the numbers are far starker for Biden among Republican voters. Among highly enthusiastic Republicans, those most likely to vote in primaries, a stunning 86 percent believe Biden took office illegitimately. This fervor combines with the latest CNBC survey detailing a double-digit lead for Republicans on a generic national ballot for Congress, the widest such margin in the history of CNBC and NBC polling.


The stage is set, therefore, for voters to rally to the right kind of America First candidates who are brave enough to buck the establishment – of both parties – and address head-on the problems of the 2020 vote as part of a winning platform for 2022 and 2024 plebiscites. I have long argued that the most serious offenses that polluted the 2020 presidential vote revolve around Equal Protection and systemic violations of the 14th Amendment safeguards in contested states.


Put plainly, game-day Trump voters were subjected to far tighter (and correct) scrutiny than were mass mail-in ballots which faced almost no filters in many cases. Such unequal treatment of ballots is highly unconstitutional, and the disparate treatment of voters represented a 2020 version of Bush v. Gore, on steroids.

Anonymous ID: b54c9b Dec. 29, 2021, 6:06 p.m. No.15275979   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Candidates seeking the support of these highly motivated deplorables must embrace election integrity as a foundational issue and endorse a return to practices that will again inspire confidence in the veracity of the vote. Specifically, candidates should support three simple principles: required universal voter identification, in-person voting except for valid excuses, and a return to paper ballots.


Unfortunately, the chasm widens in our country regarding the 2020 election.


On one side, the credentialed ruling-class of corporate media and Big Tech deigns any skepticism regarding 2020 as tantamount to flat-earth lunacy. But among gritty, working-class citizens, an informed cynicism persists and even accelerates. The deplorables are not “over it.”


In response, the grandees of the American establishment effort mightily to concoct a narrative about election skepticism that transforms January 6th into some quasi-revolutionary crucible, which the republic barely survived. In reality, the facts reveal a low-level, unarmed, afternoon melee that resulted in a total of one violent death, that of Trump supporter and Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt who was gunned down by Capitol Police.


But Pelosi and her allies in corporate media nevertheless cling desperately to a myth that January 6th was a moment of maximum peril. Why? Because they need that fake narrative to try to stymie a serious national evaluation of the problems of the 2020 vote and the election integrity reforms needed to prevent a repeat.


For this reason, the kangaroo court of the January 6th Congressional Commission engages in a political witch hunt to intimidate and punish the leaders of the November 3rd movement who insisted on full examination of the official returns. For example, former senior White House counselor Steve Bannon was charged criminally for a failure to obey the commission, even though precedence demands that such compliance issues be adjudicated through civil proceedings.


Such desperate, heavy-handed tactics are a tell.


It is not actual compliance the Democrats seek, but rather last-resort intimidation. Thankfully, the undaunted Bannon employs legal tactics to turn those prosecutorial guns around to fire political volleys at the very charlatans who disparage him. For example, journalist Julie Kelly of American Greatness observed that the Department of Justice “case against Bannon is gonna be a doozy related to DOJ’s overuse of protective orders on evidence for January 6 cases.” She also approved of Bannon’s PR and legal strategy as “someone fighting back on DOJ nonstop attempts to conceal evidence.” The Hill also posted a headline warning that “Democrats May Rue the Pursuit of Bannon.”


Thankfully, such underhanded tactics cannot dampen the determination of America First adherents. From the leadership level to everyday citizens, the movement grows in enthusiasm and resolve. We deplorables are rightly troubled by 2020, but undeterred and galvanized toward the task of 2022 and 2024.

Anonymous ID: b54c9b Dec. 29, 2021, 6:09 p.m. No.15276001   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6010

ICYMI: “Working class won big under Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act”




Read the full article by Christopher Tremoglie with the Washington Examiner here.



Working class won big under Trump's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act


Data from the IRS show that President Donald Trump’s tax cuts, known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, helped lower- and middle-income households the most, according to a report by the Heartland Institute. Moreover, it led to “lower average income tax rates for taxpayers in every income bracket.” The information was based on a comparison of tax returns between 2017 to 2018, the first year the law went into effect.


According to the Heartland Institute, taxpayers with an adjusted gross income between $40,000 to $50,000 received an average tax cut of 18.2% (after accounting for all tax deductions and credits) from the Tax Cut and Jobs Act. Additionally, the legislation seemed to improve the socioeconomic status of many. Data show that taxpayers with an "adjusted gross income of $1 to $25,000 decreased by more than 2 million in just one year, while the number of households reporting incomes higher than $25,000 increased in every income bracket," according to the Heartland Institute.


Furthermore, despite all the propaganda Democrats advanced claiming the bill was a tax cut for the wealthy, data showed that "higher-income earners paid an even larger share of the total tax burden in 2018 than they did in 2017," according to the Heartland Institute. For example, taxpayers who earned more than $500,000 paid 41.5% of total income taxes in 2018. Comparatively, in 2017, this demographic was responsible for 38.9%.


The Heartland Institute even compiled a list of claims made by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the bill.


In November 2017, Pelosi claimed, “Despite Republicans’ empty promises to cut taxes for middle-class working families, it’s clear that the GOP tax plan for the wealthiest is rich indeed.” Yet, the aforementioned date showed this was a lie.


Later, Pelosi inferred the TCJA was a scam and manipulation.


“The truth is already catching up with the GOP’s snake oil pitch,” Pelosi said. “Instead of pushing a deficit-exploding handout to corporations and the wealthy that increases taxes on millions of hard-working families, Republicans must join Democrats to work on bipartisan tax reform that puts the middle class first.”


Many will remember Nancy Pelosi infamously tearing up a speech while sitting behind Trump during his State of the Union speech in January 2020. She claimed she did so because Trump’s speech was filled with lies. However, Pelosi doesn’t hold herself to such standards of truth.


Remember this the next time you hear Pelosi or President Joe Biden talk about anything.

Anonymous ID: b54c9b Dec. 29, 2021, 6:10 p.m. No.15276009   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6015

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America




More cases of COVID-19, sometimes referred to as the China Virus, are recorded in the U.S. today than ever before—not even close, and the Fake News Media refuses to print the real numbers. Do you remember when the Democrats campaign was based on the fact that they would quickly and easily get rid of the China Virus? Their whole campaign was a lie from Religion, to the Border, to the Military, to the Economy, to Inflation, to the loss of Energy Independence and, of course, most embarrassing of all, to the inept, grossly incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan. All of those things, together with the Rigged 2020 Presidential Election, are the REAL BIG LIE!