Sure is - Q needs to get off his ass and get back in the fight - give us some god damn useful intel and cipher BS… When does the heavy lifting begin?
Omicron is God's vaccine to Fauci and Gate's COVID pathogen of genocide.
Or ask about the UNDERGROUND tunnels, submarine deliveries, links to Haiti, child human sacrifice, missile silos under the tennis court etc… I wonder why Comey's daughter never bought any of that up in the trial?
Insanity is to do the same thing again and again and expect a different result…
The probably need ivermectin to kill the parasites they are putting in the poison shots.
What are the ODDs that Trump put in traitors into the SC?
Like trusting the plan that has delivered communism and medical tyranny to our door steps…
Has it been confirmed that Defund the Police is pushed by people like Jeff Bezos to destroy local retail business so people are too scared to shop local and stick the Amazon hell type stores?
All this Medical Tyranny is going to raise TRILLIONs of dollars for the worst kind of humans the Earth has ever seen… I don't think they plan to use that wealth to make society better.
I hear you Anon - I was hoping the precipice would not involve actually dying in the process.
Vaccine seems to be laced with parasites - that is what ivermectin is for.
Trump is looking weak and confused about vaccines - is that an age thing or just acting?
You don't get out of genocide that easily motherfucker.
If your mind set is based on race, you've already become a democrat. Fuck democrats and fuck Hitler. Low IQs go for the low lying fruit… The real problem remains extremely wealthy people of all races corrupting the fuck out of Govt for more ill gains.
Small actions like this have an amazing impact on national morale.
Joke is on the kickers - they were wear already wearing adult diapers.
The people want to get on with their lives - don't give a shit about narratives or agendas…. the race one has been done to death by the democrats… problem has always been CORRUPTION via secret societies.
Why not just say that or let Q say it if he is too shy to talk, ALL OF SUDDEN…?
BILLIONS of tax dollars were transferred to the same Genocidal Big Pharma companies…. nothing changed in terms of where the funds went.
When you control the counters and can put in an complete ASSHOLE like Biden, I think her confidence has never been higher in becoming the next democratic MADAME POTATO…
He's trying too hard, like CNN… has an agenda like any media maggot these days.
How would that work?
How does that legally work to have your sentence lowered by naming other criminals? Especially after being found guilty already?
CNN is like the Clinton Foundation - why are people pumping in BILLIONS into these criminal organizations despite ZERO CHARITY WORK and ZERO JOURNALISM?
Whoopi dropping bombs - like a libtard would.
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