There's no such thing as bad publicity, they say.
Brandon seems like a bully to me. I'd bet Brandon has been giving NASCAR some shit, so they have to play along to some extent with the, "yes, Sir. Will do", Sir ,bullshit to humor the asshole.
In the long run, though, LGB has to be one of the best things that's happened to NASCAR. Brandon Brown's obituary will have the story, too. The guy who started the, "Let's go Brandon", wave that kicked a sitting president to the curb.
Honestly, I've never seen't a US President get the shit kicked out of him sarcastically as Brandon has. Brandon supporters can't defend against, either, it's like fucking kryptonite to them.
Don't know if the commentator chick was actually trying to deflect, or not, but it will still go down as the biggest blooper in sport's history, regardless.