Broward County, Florida: Enemy slaves handing out massive quantity of at-home [Covid Hoax] testing kits.
County Presser:
Traffic backed up for 8 blocks since 8am, streets blocked, libraries shut down, City PD out in force trying to unfuckify the county's shitshow. Line was about 45 minutes, this was at about noon, and well after local PD created organization out of the chaos. Get up to the front of the line, they have the librarians handing out the hoax kits. Librarian demands a Florida ID, I refuse and provide them my library card, they start screaming at me (wearing my MAGA Hat of course), the other librarians start screaming at her (it), as the entirety of slave line is now being held up, librarian then throws the hoax kits into the window, one hitting me on the cheek, and I of course scream out "THANK YOU, I CAN FINALLY TEST MY PET HAMSTER"! Massive librarian chimpout ensues, with them screaming at LE to pull me over and get the tests back. I wave to the cop, he's laughing, and now am able to test the very first Covid + hamster
>> TLDR: Be prepared for a massive spike in new [Covid Hoax] cases from Florida. <<