Anonymous ID: 316510 Dec. 30, 2021, 12:06 p.m. No.15280042   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maxwell is ‘more evil than Epstein’: Virginia Giuffre says Ghislaine was ‘the devil’s right hand man’ who used her ‘prim and proper’ accent to manipulate young girls and facilitate his depravity

Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty of sex trafficking charges on Wednesday

After six days of deliberation, a jury of six men and six women found the British socialite guilty on five of six counts - all except enticing an individual under the age of 17 to travel to with intent to engage in illegal sex act

Giuffre, who has also accused Prince Andrew of sexual assault, told The Cut that the British socialite used her accent and her advantages as a woman to aide the billionaire pedophile in his crimes

'She's definitely worse than Epstein,' Giuffre added. 'Epstein did a whole bunch of really bad stuff, acting on his sick urges. But Ghislaine facilitated it'

'I will remember this day always. Having lived with the horrors of Maxwell's abuse, my heart goes out to the many other girls and young women who suffered at her hands and whose lives she destroyed,' Giuffre said

Key moments of the trial included the moment Jeffrey Epstein's massage table was brought into court for the jurors to see and the claim that Maxwell may have been pregnant

Women claimed Maxwell had recruited them when they were teens to take part in orgies with Epstein at his properties around the world

One accuser, Carolyn, described how Maxwell felt her breasts and said she had a 'great body for Mr Epstein and his friends'


Virginia Giuffre, the most vocal accuser of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, said that Maxwell is 'more evil than Epstein' in a new interview published after Maxwell was found guilty of sex trafficking and other charges on Wednesday.


Giuffre, who has also accused Prince Andrew of sexual assault, told The Cut that the British socialite used her accent and her advantages as a woman to aide the billionaire pedophile in his crimes.


She said: 'She was the devil's right-hand man. She made these appointments for him, she actively went out there and scouted for new girls. She was part of the sexual encounters at times. To paint herself as just the 'house manager' is a load of crock.'

Anonymous ID: 316510 Dec. 30, 2021, 12:25 p.m. No.15280148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0155 >>0239 >>0453

Nancy Pelosi Buys Millions In Call Options In Google, Micron, Roblox, Salesforce And Disney


Despite a populist grassroots movement seeking to ban Congress members from trading stocks, one which has attracted bipartisan political support, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi - arguably one of the most prolific Congressional traders - said two weeks ago that lawmakers should be allowed to make trades while serving.


“We’re a free market economy,” Pelosi told reporters during a news conference. “They should be able to participate in that.”


Pelosi’s statement came days after progressive New Yorker, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, reiterated her support for banning lawmakers from the practice. Ocasio-Cortez and other members of Congress argue that lawmakers have access to information the public is not privy to and the ability to write and pass policy, they should abstain from buying and selling individual stock and other assets. She and other lawmakers support members of Congress investing in index funds.


“I choose not to hold any so I can remain impartial about policy making,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Instagram.


Pelosi's statement also came in the wake of a series of scandals involving federal lawmakers, Fed and government officials making suspect trades throughout the coronavirus pandemic.


Currently, Senator Richard Burr (R-N.C.), is under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission for trades he made in the early days of the pandemic (Burr has said all of his trades were based on news reports, not non-public information), and other lawmakers were investigated by the Department of Justice for their trades.


It’s not limited to Congress: In October the Fed announced it would ban officials from owning individual stocks and bonds after two officials - Dallas Fed president Robert Kaplan and Boston Fed president Eric Rosengren - resigned following allegations of insider trading.


Members of Congress are theoretically barred from trading on nonpublic information thanks to the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge, or STOCK, Act, and during the press conference, Pelosi noted that lawmakers need to follow that law. “If people aren’t reporting [stock trades], they should be,” she said.


We mention all of this because according to the latest Periodic Transaction Report covering Nancy Pelosi's latest trades, the California Democrat purchased millions worth of call options in companies from Alphabet, to Micron, to Roblox, Saleforce and Walt Disney. Unfortunately, neither the strike price nor the maturity of the options was disclosed.

Anonymous ID: 316510 Dec. 30, 2021, 12:28 p.m. No.15280168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0766

Major Opioid Maker Found Liable For Epidemic By New York Jury


A New York jury has ruled against Teva Pharmaceuticals and a handful of its subsidiaries in a sprawling case holding the pharmaceutical giant liable for contributing to the "public nuisance" that was the opioid epidemic.


The sprawling six-month trial ended Thursday, with the jury's finding. The ruling stems specifically from the role opioids played in two counties in New York.

New York State was also ruled partially responsible for the crisis.


The trial began in June and was argued jointly by New York State and Suffolk and Nassau counties. The case began with more than two dozen defendants and was the first of its kind to target the entirety of the opioid supply chain.


Targets included everyone on down from the pharmaceutical companies that manufactured pain pills, to the distributors of the drugs and even the pharmacy chains that filled prescriptions.


But by the time jury deliberations started, the defendants had been reduced to Teva and a handful of others. As one lawyer pointed out, the trial touched "all four seasons."


"The trial itself has touched four seasons. We started in the spring, summer and of course now we’re into the winter," said New York State Supreme Court Justice Jerry Garguilo before the verdict was announced. "It was an ultra marathon."


At the beginning, the case was considered so vast that it was going to be held in the auditorium of a local law school on Long Island because there wasn't a courtroom in Central Islip large enough to fit all the defendants and their legal teams.


The six-member jury was asked to determine whether the companies played a role in perpetuating an ongoing public nuisance, ie the opioid epidemic. The "public nuisance" claim has been used in several other opioid-related lawsuits.


Of course, the number of people killed by opioids both licit and illicit reached a record of more than 100K in 20202, according to CDC data.


Just days before the New York trial began, J&J (the same company that produced the one-shot COVID vaccine) agreed to pay $230M to settle its claims as part of the suit. And as the months wore on, almost all defendants in the sweeping case agreed to multimillion-dollar settlements - all except Teva and its subsidiaries. They included several distributors who settled for a combined $1 billion.

Anonymous ID: 316510 Dec. 30, 2021, 12:31 p.m. No.15280183   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI 'Secret Spy Plane Surveillance Program' Detailed In Court Records


The FBI’s so-called “secret spy plane surveillance program” is under scrutiny in a Florida terrorism case, where the defendant has asked a U.S. judge to toss evidence from the bureau’s aerial surveillance activities.


The FBI’s aerial surveillance program was first revealed in June 2015 by the Associated Press, which reported that the bureau maintained a civilian air force through private shell companies. The FBI admitted to the program days later, saying in a statement that “it should come as no surprise that the FBI uses planes to follow terrorists, spies, and serious criminals.”


“Contrary to some recent media reporting, the FBI’s aviation program is not classified. Some of our aircraft are registered covertly because overt registration would put our aircraft and operations at risk of compromise,” the FBI said at the time.


Nevertheless, the existence of the FBI’s program sparked outrage among civil libertarians, who celebrated when U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit found in June that a similar program operated by the Baltimore Police Department violated the Fourth Amendment.


In August, accused terrorist Muhammed Momtaz Al-Azhari asked U.S. District Judge Anthony Porcelli to review the FBI’s program. According to prosecutors, Al-Azhari planned and attempted to carry out an attack on behalf of ISIS before his arrest in May 2020.


Al-Azhari’s motion first accuses the FBI of running a “secret spy plane surveillance program” as described by the AP and other reports, before providing details about how the bureau’s air force was used to monitor him.


Al-Azhari said the FBI’s planes would circle his Tampa home, “often for hours on end.”


“The planes followed Mr. Alazhari as he went about his life, for example, watching him pick up his mail from his mailbox, watching him drive to visit his sister at her apartment, watching him visit an Urgent Care facility, and watching him check himself in for inpatient mental health treatment,” the motion added.


“The planes generally flew at about 10,000 feet, sometimes above cloud cover. Small, quiet, and high in the sky, the planes were barely noticeable to those on the ground. The FBI sometimes used multiple planes on the same day, with a new plane picking up the surveillance another had left off.”


According to Al-Azhari, the FBI captured 428 hours of footage of him and created 935 separate videos with the planes—violating the Fourth Amendment in the process.


“This court should suppress the aerial footage and any evidence derived from the aerial surveillance because the surveillance was an unreasonable search under the Fourth Amendment,” the motion states.

Anonymous ID: 316510 Dec. 30, 2021, 12:34 p.m. No.15280202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0204

Eric Adams’ COVID plan includes spring call on student vaccine mandate


Mayor-elect Eric Adams plans to make a decision this spring on whether to mandate vaccines for New York City public school students starting in fall 2022, according to a newly released outline of his COVID-19 policies.


Adams’ one-page plan also states that he will keep Mayor Bill de Blasio’s private-sector vaccine mandate that took effect Monday with a “focus on compliance, not punishment” — an approach similar to the outgoing mayor’s promise that city inspectors will “ideally avoid penalties.”


“We’re going to keep that in place,” Adams said during a press conference in Brooklyn Borough Hall. “The goal is to be cooperative and not punitive.”


The next mayor had previously not expressed a definitive stance on the policy.


The city will “immediately study” if that mandate, along with other city vaccine requirements, will need to be updated to include obligatory booster doses in lieu of two vaccine shots, according to Adams’ winter coronavirus agenda passed out to reporters Thursday morning.


“We are at a critical moment in our fight against the pandemic,” said Adams as he released the blueprint.


Asked about allowing city employees to work remotely, Adams signaled openness to it amid an Omicron-driven surge in coronavirus cases, but added, “We’re at the point where we must safely learn to live with COVID.”


“We’re going to do that by ensuring people return to work in a safe way,” he said, noting he wants municipal workers back at their desks when cases subside.


Additionally, the next mayor announced the city will distribute 2 million high-quality masks like KN95s, 1 million more at-home tests to children and that de Blasio’s test-to-stay plan for public school students exposed to COVID-19 will be carried out.


The plan notes that “all other current mandates” that de Blasio put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19 will remain in effect.


“We believe this administration has done a good job in addressing the virus,” Adams said, adding that he hopes to “improve on communication” on the matter when he takes over.


Adams, currently the Brooklyn borough president, will take over for de Blasio at midnight Friday.


After rolling out a series of COVID-19 prevention measures, Adams took an early afternoon walking tour of the Theater District, where he posed for photos on the Times Square red steps and extolled the virtues of the Big Apple’s entertainment and nightlife industry.


“You have a mayor that supports you, you have a mayor that attends Broadway plays,” he said. “Our nightlife employs thousands of people.”


“Just do one thing for me: Spend money,” he quipped to tourists visiting from Cooperstown during his stroll.

Anonymous ID: 316510 Dec. 30, 2021, 12:40 p.m. No.15280231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0258



Anonymous ID: 316510 Dec. 30, 2021, 12:53 p.m. No.15280308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top German Pathologist Reveals Smoking Gun Proof From Autopsies How COVID Vaccines Cause Organ Failure And Death


(Doctors For COVID Dr. Arne Burkhardt — one of Germany’s leading pathologists — performed autopsies on otherwise healthy people who died soon after receiving COVID “vaccines” and discovered smoking gun proof that the “vaccines” tricked their immune systems into attacking their own internal organs, causing myocarditis, organ failure, and other fatal auto-immune conditions.


You can watch a lecture by Dr. Burkhardt describing these autopsies in more detail — along with photos of the damaged tissues — here on Bitchute. YouTube has censored this scientific evidence as “misinformation.”


The executive summary of these autopsies:


We herewith present scientific evidence that calls for an immediate stop of the use of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. We [will] first lay out why the agents cannot protect against viral infection. While no positive effects can be expected, we show that the vaccines can trigger self-destructive processes that lead to debilitating illness and death.


Why the vaccines cannot protect against infection


A fundamental mistake underlying the development of the COVID-19 vaccines was to neglect the functional distinction between the two major categories of antibodies which the body produces in order to protect itself from pathogenic microbes.


The first category (secretory IgA) is produced by immune cells (lymphocytes) which are located directly underneath the mucous membranes that line the respiratory and intestinal tract. The antibodies produced by these lymphocytes are secreted through and to the surface of the mucous membranes. These antibodies are thus on site to meet air-borne viruses, and they may be able to prevent viral binding and infection of the cells.


The second category of antibodies (IgG and circulating IgA) occur in the bloodstream. These antibodies protect the internal organs of the body from infectious agents that try to spread via the bloodstream.


Vaccines that are injected into the muscle — i.e., the interior of the body — will only induce IgG and circulating IgA, not secretory IgA. Such antibodies cannot and will not effectively protect the mucous membranes from infection by SARS-CoV-2. Thus, the currently observed “breakthrough infections” among vaccinated individuals merely confirm the fundamental design flaws of the vaccines. Measurements of antibodies in the blood can never yield any information on the true status of immunity against infection of the respiratory tract.


The inability of vaccine-induced antibodies to prevent coronavirus infections has been reported in recent scientific publications.


The vaccines can trigger self-destruction

Anonymous ID: 316510 Dec. 30, 2021, 1:12 p.m. No.15280371   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Victorian government lied, tried to suppress the truth over QR codes


Bombshell court ruling reveals Daniel Andrews' government knew personal information shared with contact tracers or through QR codes wasn't secure


A bombshell court ruling has exposed the Daniel Andrews government lied about and tried to cover up details over the security of the private information of millions of Victorians.


Since the start of the pandemic, the state government assured Victorians that any details they shared would only be used for public health purposes.


However, the Herald Sun reported today that personal information shared with contact tracers or through QR codes does not have “absolute protection”.


The report has revealed that the government was not only aware of the lie, but had actively tried to deceive the public by gagging the release of the truth related to the security of private information.


Covid commander Jeroen Weimar launched a legal bid to have the court case kept secret for five years to stop the damaging revelation from being made public.


Documents published by the Herald Sun reveal that Weimar outrageously argued to the court that public confidence in the state’s contact tracing system was of greater importance than telling Victorians about the threat their personal information could be obtained by others.


The news has come to light as the department applied to the court to put the brakes on the Victorian WorkCover Authority seeking access to contact tracing information as part of its probe into the state’s hotel quarantine fiasco.


As the state department pushed for the details to be quashed from public view, documents have revealed that Marcus Hoyne, acting for VWA (WorkSafe), ­argued the court should not ­assist the public being misled.


He accused the department of seeking the suppression “to prevent the public from knowing the true story that information provided through contact tracing may have to be disclosed”.

Anonymous ID: 316510 Dec. 30, 2021, 1:29 p.m. No.15280431   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bradford sex abuse: 16 men arrested as part of investigation into alleged historic child sexual offences


Arrests were made at West Yorkshire and London addresses, the force said.


All 16, aged between 33 and 60, have been pulled in for interviews and have since been released pending further investigation.


The allegations come from one woman and are claimed to have taken place between 2002 and 2009 in Bradford.


Alan Weekes, Detective Chief Inspector of Bradford District Police, said: "This investigation forms part of West Yorkshire Police’s commitment to the investigation of both current and non-recent sexual offences against children.


"Tackling child abuse is not something that any one agency can do in isolation though which is why we work closely with local authorities and other organisations and charities to support victims, bring offenders to justice and make our communities safer.


"We would urge anyone who has been a victim of sexual abuse, whether recent or historic, to report it to the police. Please be assured that you will be listened to, taken seriously and supported by professionals with experience of dealing with these kind of offences."