When Breitbart and ZeroHedge have the equivalent outreach of MySpace anons will know their job is done.
>Take the Bullhorn away from Fake News
When Breitbart and ZeroHedge have the equivalent outreach of MySpace anons will know their job is done.
>Take the Bullhorn away from Fake News
'Holiday Bowl cancelled due to Covid'
Bowl Games = False Flag target
Habbenings - Sum of All Fears - denied
If you don't want to know who what when why where and how Q Research is the last place you want to be.
It was Rand Paul's pleasure to kill the Iron Dome Bill (Evergrande Bail Out) and send China into a swirl in the toilet bowl. The Israel / CCP op on America failed. Local (anons / Citizen Journos) / Federal Trump pincer. We're trapping all the establishment infrastructure. Taking back America is an art, not a science.