Sorry I shit the bread Baker.
>Meet Jeremy Marshall who told me he was radicalized by Tucker Carlson
because he was paid to.
How to disable the worlds most powerful military with out firing one gun or bomb for $800 Alex.
you don't have to agree with 100% of someone's opinions/positions to support them, it would be a statistical anomaly for 2 people or more to agree 100% of the time on 100% of any topics/subjects.
someone's money laundering op compromised in light of the GM verdict?
I take it they left bread crumbs which were detected & eaten by the birds?
It's the Alex Jones crowd & the MSM tools looking to drive wedgesโฆ or sell their supplements & doomsday food packages.
Now, if you want to live buy his supplements & doomsday supplies & don't forget to remember Alex is still pissed because Trump didn't give Alex the access he THOUGHT he was due after Trump became POTUS.