I'm glad it's slide but it would not surprise me in the least. These progressive/communist, brain deficient pieces of shit don't value life in any form. A Baby or a beautiful Pup like this one. I'd put her fucking ass down before that Pup. Look at the feet on that rascal!!! kek
What a blight this idiot is. Eric, if you were a blaze in fire I wouldn't waste my time to piss on you to put you out. I'm sure Fang Fang had to scrub herself raw to get the filth and stench off herself. btw, Xi like way you suck chinaman cock.
The Radio Altimeters in the aircraft is a compoent of the Cat III approach certification and that the 5G can possibly disrupt it on low approaches. What this means is on a Cat lll approach the DH (decision height) is based on the radio altimeter at 50 ft above the landing zone. In other words, when shooting a Cat III approach with visability minimums of 6 6 6 RVR 600ft touchdown, 600 ft midfield and 600 ft rollout, you don't see the runway until you are 50 ft above it. It is real damn close and If that RA is disrupted it can be a real big safety problem.
Cat III approaches are not as common as Cat I approaches but common enough going into airports like KSFO, KSEA and many other airports around the country. This is a big deal for all of the air carriers.
Yea, KDEN is one weird fucking place. The artwork in the terminals is just strange. Demonic even. Everything about it is abnormal including a lot of the people that originate out of there. Strange people. Goes without saying they are mostly transplanted progressives. Like a virus. kek
Destroy law and order and you take the civil society down with it. Tactical. Every damn bit of it. Only when (((They))) suffer the consequences personally will they change and we're starting to see that with the dem/communist who got hijacked and robbed in Pa. last week. Starting to refund the LE etc………these people live in a distopian bubble and believe what they let loose on society will never affect them. They are wrong of course and if I had my way I'd usher a million patriots, round up all of the criminals these Soros DAs and judges are setting free and deposit them right on the DA's and judge's doorsteps. Right in their beautiful neighborhoods where all of their children can have a good close look at the reality their parents are creating for the rest of us. That shit would stop very quickly.