They throw away unborn babies, why wouldn't they throw away their pets.
Imagine the field day the MSM would have if Trump didn't endorse the vaccine that he made available via warp speed.
Imagine where we would be right now if Trump hadn't pushed the vaccine being made available via Emergency Use Authorization. We would still all be locked up and the economy would be ruined.
Trump is saying & doing what he needs to say & do.
We need to use Common Sense and Hold The Line.
We each have our jobs to do.
Do it and quit complaining.
Trump is not your POTUS, he is a private citizen. Why are you listening to him?
Do you even live in the US?
Why are you using 3rd person?
Now he can go back to his teaching job and being a scout leader.
We are truly ruled by idiots.
The first time I ever heard words come out of this guy's mouth, I could not believe that he was a member of Congress. How embarrassing for our Country to have such buffoons in office.
Isn't it about time this Ice Age ended? Look at all of the open real estate when the ice melts.