Israel's government initiates "Final Solution" on its own population.
Doubling down with 4th dose spike protein jab.
Israel's government initiates "Final Solution" on its own population.
Doubling down with 4th dose spike protein jab.
Biden wont stop until all alpha males are purged and only pussies and faggots remain in the ranks.
VAERS vaxx coinkidinks
moar vaxx deaths in 2021 than all other vaccines combined for the last 30 years.
The vaxx causes VAIDS… so it is to be expected the jabbed people are going to get sick at higher numbers that will dwarf last year's flu season.
No doubt it will be declared a crisis as we get deeper into Dark Winter and used to enforce moar draconian tyranny.
FAA and FCC are in a spat over 5G turn on.
So it could get delayed.
FAA says 5G will interfere with aircraft auto pilot and the ability of aircraft to use instrument controlled landing software at airports during bad weather.
A cult that thinks for itself
and boos its own leadership
just a matter of time before Trump will have to reverse his support for the vaxx or face political suicide