11.4 views. 11.4.
Star spangled.
01.01.2022 11222
01.02.2022 12222
01.07.2022 17222
01.10.2022 11222 dubs with first of month.
01.12.2022 112222
01.17.2022 117222
01.20.2022 112222 dubs with 12th of January.
01.21.2022 121222
01.22.2022 122222
01.23.2022 123222
It's gonna be a good month.
6 1 7 twice as noice as 1.
Many of the gifs posted by that anon are dangerous. Definitely grand mal seizures have been induced.
Ever hold the head of someone going through seizures, obviously obvious negative. Post whatever the fuck pleases you. Free speech rules.
Let Christian men rejoice today, the devil's time is done.
Using the filter at any time. Is offensive. KEK. That being said. This place is fucking awesome. Best move ever, a tad(pole) on the long side.
Kinda busy right now.
Booms in the beautiful black sky,