Have not been here in over a year, do we think Q is Michael Aquino, the famous Satanist in military intel?
Plenty of cool californians moving to my state
oh boy, I can see the JIDF is still on here in full force. You know, I was a Zionist when I came here, it was you guys posting all that weaponized porn that opened my eyes to what you are: Satan's people.
I've never met an actual Irani that I didn't like, the last Israeli I met scammed me out of $300 before I realized they were an Israeli. (using google ads)
Yes, the Islamic state is "Muslim" but who gives them all that money and air support? US/Britain/Israel. That's who.
Uh, no. What about Jews who oppose Zionism, like the tens of thousands in NY and Iran that openly do it? And people who support them? Come on. Those people will only keep doing it when they are a dominant force. Once they are a victim, (actual) they will blame them as they have been trained to do.
Yes, mass non-compliance to an illegitimate government. A lot of illegitimate governments.
He made anti-semitic claims? So what? Are any of them inaccurate?
Two biggest sex offenders in US history = Weinstein and Epstein, both Jewish.
possibly. In any case, he googled too much stuff before doing anything, then probably used google maps to drive himself there with his cell phone.
I only hold FJB/BNB coin. I should have bought some LGB I guess. :(
what do we have on Lin, what was his agenda?
> notice how aggressively yootube pushes fox
yeah, pretty obvious. At first they would not even let me block them from including fox news in my recommendations
complete bullshit, I've read tons on it Masonry, it is the same enigma babylon religion incorporating all the pantheistic religions(Egyptian Babylonian, Roman, Greek). It was not perverted by zionish Jews, they just practice the same Luciferianism. If Satan is real, his worshippers may find him through different paths.
The original KKK (the Klan of the Kuclose or circle) accepted Jewish members and honored many. It was started by two 33rd degree masons (Pike and Forrest), Pike was a self-confessed Luciferian.
are you Jewish? You sound like controlled oppo.
Be thankful for what you' have learned and put it to use.
Q was "operation safe" from the soviet union, all over again.