pitt faculty: "i wouldn't take a sick rat to UPMC, even if it was a democrat."
so where the fuck are they? how much more collateral damage are we expected to endure?
beware the wrath of the patient man, because if WE THE PEOPLE are forced to act, we're coming for THEM ALL.you lurking, Q?
looks like a narn battle cruiser, minus the paint job.
>To undo 6000+ years of fuckery without destroying the good requires patience.
that's gettin' pretty stale. don't really thing we have to worry about anything the babylonians did. pretty sure anything done more than 600 yrs ago is totally irrelevant. there ya go. i just won 90% of the battle for ya. think ya might wrap it up before all of us are dead? i watched them murder my president. i'd like to be around to see them hang.
dummkopf schwartze.
>They think they have to do things legally to take out evil criminals for some reason.
since when? wtf you been livin'? review US military interventions of the past 130 yrs.
>6000+ years of mind control refinements.
>everything that is wrong now is because of what the babylonians did and are still doing.
no one alive today has been subjected to mind control for 6000 yrs. most under 30 yrs. your arguments fail BIGLY.
>Your understanding of how Knowledge (Gnosis, "G") evolved over humam history fails megabigly.
that's NOT a rational counterpoint or logical argument, it's an accusation and personal slander.YOU LOSING BIGLY
>No Jab, No School.
fantastic idea. lots of former teachers would organize group homeschools, which will evolve into an entirely new "public education" system where PARENTS are in control, not NWO politicians.
>You might not understand species gestalt learning.
you might BELIEVE you do. doesn't make it so.
you're spurging a gigantic crock of shit. mass hypnosis, mass hypnosis of great swaths of the population was IMPOSSIBLE before the development of TV. every education program in existence stresses the POWER of audio/visual learning. and nowhere else can subliminal messages be so effectively embedded and combined with subaural hemispheric entrainment to induce a waking hypnotic suggestible state. NONE OF THAT was possible before the widespread distribution of TV. that's why the boomer generation is the last generation with an unfettered capacity for clear rational critical thinking, because they grew up WITHOUT television. most americans under 70 are HOPELESSLY incapacitated when it comes to the ability to reason effectively. so spare me you Gnostic bullshit, and your babylonian mkultra bullshit. clearly YOU are from one of the TV generations, and YOUR mind has been reduced to the level of IDIOCRACY demonstrated in the movie of that name. you are incapable of forming a cogent argument, and can only regurgitate the same jargonspeak catchphrases over and over. it would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic. want proof? look at your own posts. no analytical deconstruction of what i write. no creative extrapolation of concepts to form NEW ideas and NEW argument. just mindless repetition. it's like trying to argue with a parrot, or a recording.
anyone looking at that and not seeing how hopelessly impractical it is should apply for a job as villiage idiot.
this is the reality police. put down the comic books, and step away from the keyboard.
anonโฆ you think those posts are from bots? damn. that's some whack shit if it's coming from bots.
dontcha just love it when illiterate tards start debating sciencey things? SO entertaining.
whatEVER it looked like, it WASN'T seen by billions of people simultaneously, 24/365.
>Who's property does one find that cave on?
caves of Maltravieso, Ardales and La Pasiega, Spain
hey gary, how's it hangin'?