There's a 747 and a smaller plane used as AF1, a 707 I think.
The 5G towers are supposed to fully activate in Jan. '22.
The police are part of the problem, they work for the establishment assholes. The solution is 2A.
Discount all the demoncrat vote fraud and they really don't have much support anywhere.
Well, it's been raining way too much to run the usual fema fire scam in Cal this year. It was a Soetero Admin speciality.
Agree. We live in a nation of brainwashed tv addicts. All they believe is muh tv period
Now start winning. kek And wiping out Bubba. kek
If you're this incompetent, you just might be a demoncrat.
See if he can keep delaying, then the vaxed will be sick or dead and they will NEED him.
Nothing to see here, just move along. Happy New Year!
She's an accomplished failure in everything she's done, just like Creepy and Kamel.