I have to wonder, because I've always thought the tests were bullshit and driving up the cases.. if you ask for a test, they hand you a case…
I am unvaxxed, largely unquarantined thru-out this whole thing.. plenty of exposure.. I'm not hygenic at all.. i let it all pass thru me.. I generally get sick 0-3 times a year.. probably averaging twice a year.. but in the past 2 months, I have come down with distinctly different bugs about 4 times in a row.. possibly 5, but I can tell I had at least 3 gaps of complete wellness between being sick.. and its all been distinctly different symptoms..
I've noticed others reporting similarly, both vaxxed and unvaxxed.. they just keep getting sick.. feels like there's a bunch of shit running around during sick/holiday-season with people finally travelling and shopping somewhat normally again.
Same.. I'm young enough, mid 30s, and, although not hygiene conscious, have probably better vitamin/nutrition than 70% of Americans so.. I don't think I would even need therapeutics…
Just feel like everyone's getting sick at the moment, and if you go get tested, it counts as a case every time…
Doesn't seem like a VAIDS pandemic to me yet.. just seems like the vaxx doesn't work and the tests are still BS..
Don't forget purple niggas and niggas from outta space and shit.
nah, they're based in space.. they see past the race baiting.. you say "ey! space faggot nigga" they'll be like "yo".. aliens don't give a fuck..
Waiting for how this decode ties to weinstein though.
I'm extremely concerned about VAIDS, not trying to dismiss it.. but when people say "oh shit here it is" I'm not sure that's it.. so much muddy water