Anon's hotel and/or ATT/DirecTV has deleted OANN from the channel guide (can still view it if you know it is Ch347). This is just one of many examples of how the Deep State and Leftist/Clown Communists try to cancel us, bit by bit, byte by byte. Each Anon has their own example. NOW is the time to meme the shit out of these TRAITOROUS Motherfuckers!
Nigga I clicked that shit.
Why the Tay Tay look?
They shall be the core of our New Marines.
To undo 6000+ years of fuckery without destroying the good requires patience.
Correct. There be White niggas, Black niggas, Brown niggas, Red niggas, Yellow niggas, …
Skin color is not a factor.
"FF" in Q posts usually means "False Flag".
Your understanding of how Knowledge (Gnosis, "G") evolved over humam history fails megabigly.
Crowley digits chekt.
"In 2020, Dyncorp was bought by Germantown, Maryland-based defense support services conglomerate Amentum. On April 21, 2021, the DynCorp name was discontinued, and employees and services transferred to Amentum."
Dasa good engrish.
Some of us were redpilled earlier than 2017. A lot earlier.
Back atcha, Hooty.