We have an E4B up and about out of Offutt AFB.
What's going on in Florida to require a Doomsday in proximity?
We have an E4B up and about out of Offutt AFB.
What's going on in Florida to require a Doomsday in proximity?
>>Jewish run Schools
Dunno about your schools but ours are all run by a bunch of black liberal lesbians.
Oh that's right they are so smart, effective and hardworking that they can totally dominate all those lazy, ignorant goy who just sit on their lard-arses and whine on internet boards like little bitches.
I forgot about that.
E3B Doomsday SPICE98 on the ground at McDill AFB Tampa.
Aaaaaaar! Black Dick!
Nigger is a contraction of ignorant.
That's why you get as many white ones and brown ones as black ones.
That's what I was thinking Anon.
Did anyone ever work out who has the football?
I believe Trump did not hand it over to Potato last Feb. And I have not heard anything officially about it since.
I am hereby calling the ball.
Where is the nuclear football?
FF = Ford Foundation
Ford Foundation
Yep, then in early '18 he dumped 4chan for 8ch wen the board admins were compromised.
He followed to 8kun after the cloudflare debacle then stopped posting here after a) the Trump administration no longer controlled the agency Q works for, AND/OR b) he realized this board is also hopelessly comp'd.
Your God appears to be a simple-minded retard.
Brought to you by the religion of peace!
Why are you calling yourself cattle?
You are a Muslim aren't you. (Iranian perhaps?)
Haven't heard so much "Death to" since Tehran in 1979.
(Huma, Strozk, Brennan - what do they have in common)
Go cry to your Imam muzzie bro boi.
Muslim brotherhood much?
IRGC perhaps.
Who reaaaaally hates Israel and Jews? The Arab states they have utterly humiliated twice?
Who infltrated the US government.
Huma Aberdin,
Valerie Jarrett.
John Brennan.
Peter Strozk.
Look for the Muslim brotherhood connections in Clinton and Obama worlds.
You gave yourself awayโฆ.
Death To!
Death To!
Death To!
Chanting like a madrassa drone.
Is this why the democrat logo for 2020 elections literally symbolizes Death to America!
Where have I heard that before?
You people are stupid.
>Two biggest sex offenders in US history = Weinstein and Epstein
You stupid, stupid, over-reaching, ignorant fucking bigot.
Did you ever hear of Genghis Khan?
Fuck off Gary
Stormfront Gary is in the house trying to persuade the world it's the Jews.
After all this time and not one mind changed.
I'm not Jewish.
That's just your paranoia projecting again.
Why do you have a problem with the idea that a person doesn't have to be Jewish to find everything about you obtuse and repulsive?
May you receive for yourself the same mercy and justice you would offer your 'Jews'.
I'll be happy to assist in serving it to you.