def should add the items ignoared
although "energy price shock" can def be connected to "global governance failure" as it was instrumental in blowing up the housing mkt in 2007 which led to BIS asserting control over every fin'l institution on the globe
anon cliqued
<3 u fags (no homo)
I am (You) as (You) are (me) as we are Q as we are all together!
no, anon doesn't buy that "melded consciousness" bullshit but could resist the catchy parody of a great rock and roll song.
anon feelz he has always been too much of a "product"
creep looks like a villain in a David Lynch production
anon hates music business (money changes everything). devils fingerprints (read: clowns) all over it.
bonamassa was a product from the beginning, imho. chops? sure. meh. heart? anon cannot hear it.
don't fuck with the music.
rock on.
anon sick again after being around muh vax'd superior beings last night
it's just another variable in the algo
yes odd vibe for a movement dedicated to, among other things, "restoring holy matrimony and the family."
muh disinfo, perhaps.
hot / crazy off the charts