I just can't believe anyone anywhere would fall for someone who chooses to present himself to the world looking like that. Can people not SEE?
Exactly. And he dyed it shit brown to boot. Im glad I never knew about him before now. Think of all that time I never had to be annoyed. And he has been friends with Thernovith for 12 yrs. Which leads to Pussyback (among others)
Makes ya think
Suspected but could never confirm. There were stories early on about some weapons systems having been found in containers - which is what clicked in my mind when the ships were all stacking up. The weaponry was reported to have been found close enough (timing wise) to the clog-up for it to automatically pop into my head though
I have quite a few more. I never feel like it is good to post them beyond as a reminder, though. Interesting how all of that happened and was ignored at the time by mainstream. Still hasn't ever been an explanation, or any kind of update
Needs to be mocked with memes - Blurona, Shoerona, Moorona, Pooronaโฆ
I hope that was not true
If I had that sort of talent, a Forest Gump style vid with him listing a those rona varieties would be golden
It does work, anon. Hard to get right now. Somerhing that also works and is easy to get is Black (cumin) seed. Also zinc with green tea capsules or quercetin (either will help the body to absorb it where it needs to be). It works by inserting itself into the ACE2 receptors, which is where the virus wants to be.
Ivermectin is great if you live near a livestock supply store
It has to be a timing thing. Trump made to big a deal of them for nothing to come of it at some point