Jeopardy! Contestant Crowned Highest-Earning “Female” In Show’s 57-Year History, Was Born A Man
This is your punishment, American women. You lazily went along with the crowd & let cultural Marxism destroy you and your country. Militant Feminism led to militant homosexuality, which turned into militant transexualism.
You've been kicked to the curb by men, then women, and now men all over again. Why? Because you're a spineless traitor to your country and God.
Now men are wiping out all female records. Poetry.
Another thought, when women are taught from a young age to act like unbearable cunts in combat boots, & attack men over anything, this guy "Amy" is the result. You transform a once normal man, who may have been timid, but polite, and got kicked over and over by women he wanted to date.
This guy probably never had a chance to date girls in HS & college because it was like entering a war zone.
He adapted and got his revenge. Happy New Year, FemiNazi cunt rags.