Anonymous ID: 72181d Dec. 31, 2021, 8:13 a.m. No.15284766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4776 >>4781

There is something to a person's frequency and ability to accept higher truth frequencies.

Low frequencies vibrate in fear, anger, jealousy, hate, lies, deceit.


Higher frequencies vibrate with love, compassion, patience, kindness, TRUTH.

Until humanity as a collective raises their frequency, the truth WILL NOT resonate with them at all.


To speed this process up is not up to Q, or Trump or the military. It's up to humanity to raise their frequency to accept higher frequencies of TRUTH.


This is why it's taking so long. We are doing this wrong. We need to raise the vibration of humanity so they resonate with truth!


If a person vibrates in lower frequencies like most of humanity is being manipulated to do currently they will not listen to the truth. They ignore you. That is why shills are promoting negativity here 24/7.


Shills are trying to keep your frequency low as well. This is their top priority. To keep you vibrating fear, hate, anger.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Nikola Tesla

Anonymous ID: 72181d Dec. 31, 2021, 8:23 a.m. No.15284811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4825

The Galactic Federation: Why Many "Lightworkers" Aren't Working for the "Light" At All


You've probably come across those who talk only about "love and light" and angels or ETs but never mention the satanic pedophile cannibalistic cabal elite of this planet who have kept you enslaved for thousands of years.


Some even have the audacity to say that you must stay away from those who do and that this is a 3D concept that will keep you from ascending…


We kindly ask that you question this concept. Since when does ignorance stem from the truth? Light is information therefor darkness is the lack of information.


In order to ascend into the fifth-dimensional reality which resonates with the frequency of unconditional love, you as a race, must raise our vibrations to match that of unconditional love.



This is the bottom line.



When a human faces the evil of this planet and becomes informed light enters the cells of the being and alters their frequency.




It was humanity looking away, not researching, not being concerned, not wanting to handle the painful dark truth of their planet, ridiculing "conspiracy theorists" and their collective cognitive dissonance that empowered the evil that is in charge of committing monstrous crimes on human children.


We do not blame you. It was the dark cabal's agenda as per design to keep you in comfort zones. But the time has drastically changed now…


There are also those who made it their life's mission to bring down the cabal and awaken humanity to the bitter truth of satanism, pedophilia, and cannibalism on this planet. We salute your outstanding courage, great warriors of Gaia.


And we warn you from those who say you must only love & light & forgive and everything will be alright.


We like to emphasize that we agree that meditating, visualizing and praying is powerful, beautiful and very needed and those who do only that are wonderful beings of light.


You all stem from the same essence yet you are all different. You each hold a piece of the whole and one is just as important as the other.


BUT there are those who say that's ALL that is needed and DO NOT focus EVER on anything of the dark. And that, dear ones, cannot be of the light…


If everyone on your planet did that who would be saving the children from the DUMBS?

Eight million children go missing worldwide per year and cannot be saved by meditating, praying and raising your vibration alone. At least not if you all did only that…


Whoever says that that's all everyone needs to do is an agent of the dark. These people are infiltrated with evil spirits attached to them and they don't have a clue about it.


Nothing could be more dangerous to say or to believe. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Nothing could be more ignorant and selfish.


And nothing could show more how much FEAR these people carry. How TERRIFIED these individuals are of bitter truth.


They are here to distract you with their ascension channels of love, light, forgive and raise your vibes.


BALANCE is the key to everything. BALANCE is the key to the liberation of your planet. Follow the news, research the painful truth but don't forget to meditate and pamper yourself.


The whole of humanity has been put under lockdown. Now is the time for you to research.


Now is the time to look the disgusting and horrifying truth in the eye.


What will happen if you do?

You will be terrified. You will be scared. You will be disgusted. You will be in pain. You will cry a lot. You won't sleep much.


Rumi says:

'You have to keep breaking your heart before it opens. The wound is where light enters.'

After the initial shock, you will be very angry. That's where you start contributing to the good of this planet.



Because this is where you want everyone to know. That's the only chance we have to disempower the evil of this world.


Enlighten yourself first and do not listen to those who are not carrying the torch of truth and tell you to ignore it. Then you pass the torch to the next and the next and the next…




Let's be enlightened and know everything they do. That's what pulls the rug underneath their feet.




You must face the truth, disempower the cabal, then you build a new world based on love and light.


Why are they called the ILLUMINATI? Illuminati means the enlightened ones! Because they all know what you don't.


If you want to create a new world, the old must die first. The old world is the world of darkness. SO, bring light into this world first, love is what follows after the first job is done.


Layer after layer the lies, the deceit, the terror, and control must be broken down.

Anonymous ID: 72181d Dec. 31, 2021, 10:14 a.m. No.15285393   🗄️.is 🔗kun

December 25, 2021


Good Morning America and the World,


I am John F. Kennedy, the President of United States, and I am happy to speak today to all of you through the Universal Channel. I want to wish Merry Christmas to everyone, who are celebrating with their families, friends or loved ones. The meaning of Holidays changed over the years, before it was about a nice meal with families and enjoying time together.


Almost two years passed since, the Dark Souls released the lab created germs to the atmosphere, and started slashing with each day away your liberties of doing things the way you used to do, without any restrictions like where you want to travel or dine out. Now, it’s the time to reflect about your life, if you are happy, what is next and how much longer you are going to tolerate this nonsense implied on you by the World Governments.


I don’t think any of you want anymore to follow this New World Order by being told, what you can do and what you can’t. The humankind reached their tipping point and wants be free, happy and prosperous. The transformation is happening, on all levels in this moment as we speak. People want to experience a good life, and they deserve the best of everything, what was stolen by the corrupted and hungry money officials, who want only more and more for themselves.


When I was here, my goal was to free the humanity from being controlled, lies and give the truth, which you need to know, before you can move to the next step in your evolution. This battle has been going for a very long time, and you getting to the final point, called Ascension. Some are not ready to take the next step, and it’s okay as their path is different than yours, they are moving much slower in the development and will get to it, when they are ready that can occur tomorrow, next month, next year or thousand years from now.


During my lifetime on Earth, a lot of people were quite awake, to block that the Darkness pushed the drugs on the population in Seventies with the purpose to put everyone back to being brainwashed and asleep. Right now, the Dark Entities doing again by letting drugs be accessible by approval of FDA. Please, don’t buy foods with hemp, they are going to effect your thinking. They want to slow down the process of the changeover.


The operation Freedom, which is lead by Alliance, continues to arrest the criminals, who committed the crimes against the people, and rescue women and children from the sex trafficking and being sacrificed by Satanists. Right on, you can’t see with your own eyes yet, it’s purposely done for your safety. Some scenes, which the Special Forces encountered, could brake your heart. The truth will be unveiled in proper timing.


Meantime, let’s go of anger, fear, greed and etc. to move yourselves into high energies. You are receiving incredible amount of Light and Support from outworlders, who are looking forward to your liberation. Foresee your own amazing future with incredible adventures like meeting different civilizations, traveling to other Galaxies and etc. Never forget that we are creators of our own destiny. Thank you Universal Channel. I am sending my Love to Everyone.


Be Humble and Strong

John F. Kennedy


Channeled by Erena Velazquez