Maybe they're in the water. I remember there being some 'boil days' at various towns around me in the last year or so
Actually it has always been this way - ask a drug dealer
Yep. i take a regular supplement with black walnut and other good stuff daily. will also be using Ivermectin etc. to deworm from time to time
Happy New Year to you, anon
Anyone doing bad things who thought DJT was their 'fren' should be shitting bricks
Important to rotate - fenbenzadole, etc - info isnt terribly hard to find
Oh yes, really- and way more recently than in 'the mob' days. But you do you
Agreed. Thats going to need a big reveal - im seeing little bits here and there, but not enough for a paradigm shift. Yet.
I was a month premature in 1966, barely 4 lbs. Came out fighting and never stopped. I always questioned everyone and everything and I will NEVER STOP. NEVER. I've been through hell and back and I never gave up. Never will. I've always said you can lay down and die or you can keep going. ALWAYS keep going, no matter what. Always. You never know what might happen tomorrow - I've lived it and I know. There is always a chance if you're not dead
Couldn't agree more. This place and anons never fail to humble me
An anon dropped info about this a few days ago (thanks if it was you), and mine is on its way to me - I plan to put it in my daily regimen
Tough shit. Not taking the vaccine
Same. But if it helps keep parasites at bay, thats just double the fun
You can still get the softgels and hold the liquid in reserve if you want. I read some posts about the flavor and went with the softgels
Oh yuck. I hate things like that. Glad I got the softgels - the liquid might make me throw up. I have a wicked gag reflex
Thank you, anon! I am grabbing all of this and will share with others when needed
I have the wormpill PDF tucked away somewhere. I've Ivermectin and several other things, but I saw a few I didn't recognize in your list. Seems smart to rotate from time to time. I figure it's like Pokรฉmon- gotta catch em all
I had weird light sensitivity the first time i took Ivermectin. Only lasted about a day though
That will be important if/when vaxxed family members wake up
I know a bit. Always looking to learn more though. I've had my fluoride intake down to very low levels for a very long time. I have bentonite clay, silica, cilantro, parsley, etc. for detox. I've a good bit of amino acids, a host of minerals, mushrooms, pine needle tea, linden flower, and other things.. And i still learn of new things all the time.
I also have a very good book called 'Back to Eden' that I have drug around for years
DC is occupied territory. Good chance the next true President will not reside there - if some of the things I've read are true. But who knows
I actually found the worm pill on halfchan before it made it here. There were a LOT of really good threads for a while. Amazing info was shared. I have had Ivermectin for nearly a year now, but have only taken it once. Gave some to my son as well - the awake one. Two other kids who were vaccinated so im holding some for them when they snap out of it. I want to get fenbenzadole and a couple of others too
I've had neem, wormwood, quercetin, etc.. for quite some time as well. I really love this board and the generosity of anons, sharing their knowledge