Anonymous ID: d3cd3a Dec. 31, 2021, 6:40 p.m. No.15287947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7988 >>8610

Election Investigators Make Surprise Move in WI, Blanket State with Subpoenas Related to 2020 Election


The investigation into Wisconsin’s elections is still ongoing as special counsel Michael Gableman continues looking into how voting in the state was carried out in the 2020 general election.


Gableman is now issuing about 70 subpoenas to state entities and employees, special interest groups, private companies, mayoral staffers and IT departments, throughout Wisconsin to obtain records, depositions and more information on the election process and organizations that seem to have had a hand in the administration of elections.


Gableman, who was previously a Wisconsin Supreme Court justice, was asked by Speaker of the Wisconsin state Assembly Robin Vos to lead an investigation into the 2020 election in the state. Gableman agreed and was appointed as special counsel.


The investigation is looking into several components of what went on during the election. Gableman is looking into how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and the money he donated to the Center for Tech and Civic Life influenced the election, what the Wisconsin Election Commission was doing, the conduct of the mayors and the municipal clerks, the operation of the voting machines and other factors which might have influenced the election.


Wisconsin elections are not administered by the secretary of state, like in other states. Instead, Wisconsin’s Government Accountability Board works in collaboration with 1,853 municipal clerks, 72 county clerks and numerous election inspectors during election season.


Many municipal clerks throughout the state live in very small towns, but in contrast, there are clerks in Wisconsin’s five biggest cities: Madison, Racine, Kenosha, Green Bay and Milwaukee. The clerks, however, are not independent authorities and report to the mayor, the city’s common council or the state elections commission.


Now Gableman is specifically looking into these cities’ mayors, clerks and staffers and how they might have been influenced by funding from the CTCL, which, thanks to generous donations from Zuckerberg, gave approximately $350 million to communities to run elections.


A source close to the investigation told The Western Journal that, in short, CTCL approached these five Wisconsin cities and offered $8.8 million grants to help keep voters safe from COVID. The group reportedly offered this money even though the source said the federal government, under the Trump administration, had already given $7 million to make sure clerks had enough PPE, sanitation and anything else needed to keep voters safe from COVID-19.


According to the source, each mayor of the five cities took “good faith” money. Racine allegedly received $60,000 and the other four cities received $10,000 each. Once they took this initial grant, CTCL sent questionnaires to see if the five cities then qualified for the full $8.8 million grant, the source said.


The questionnaire asked what the city was going to do to drive up the vote in what they deemed were historically disenfranchised neighborhoods, according to the source.


Gableman already issued subpoenas to the mayors of the cities. The next round of subpoenas that have just been issued, according to the source, is to mayoral staffers and IT departments in order to find information on how the cities used the money from CTCL.


Already, hundreds of pages of emails between Milwaukee election officials and CTCL have been made public.

Anonymous ID: d3cd3a Dec. 31, 2021, 6:48 p.m. No.15287998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8029 >>8093 >>8610

Abortion Leading Global Cause of Death in 2021 with 43 Million Killed


Abortion was the leading cause of death globally in 2021, with nearly 43 million unborn babies killed in the womb, according to data provided by Worldometer.


As of noon on December 31, 2021, there were 42.6 million abortions performed in the course of the year, Worldometer revealed, while 8.2 million people died from cancer, 5 million from smoking, 1.7 million of HIV/AIDS, 1.3 million from traffic fatalities, and 1 million from suicide.


Totaling all the deaths in the world from causes other than abortion reveals a figure of 58.7 million, meaning that abortions accounted for just over 42 percent of all human deaths in 2021.


By comparison, worldwide deaths from coronavirus in 2021 totaled around 3.5 million, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).


Worldometer — voted one of the best free reference websites by the American Library Association (ALA) — keeps a running tally through the year of major world statistics, including population, births, deaths, automobiles produced, books published, and CO2 emissions.


It also registers the total number of abortions performed worldwide, based on the latest statistics on abortions published by the World Health Organization (WHO).


Globally, there were more deaths from abortion in 2021 than all deaths from cancer, malaria, HIV/AIDS, smoking, alcohol, and traffic accidents combined, according to Worldometer statistics.


The startling number of deaths from abortion, in fact, has led certain observers to call abortion “the social justice cause of our time,” since the sheer magnitude of the problem completely overshadows other human rights issues.


On December 28, Christians around the world celebrated the Feast of the Holy Innocents, commemorating the slaughter of all male children in Israel under the age of two by order of King Herod in an effort to kill the newborn Christ child. Pope Francis has compared Herod’s massacre of the Innocents to the modern practice of killing babies through abortion.


The 49th annual March for Life in the United States will take place in Washington, D.C., on January 21, 2022, with the theme “Equality Begins in the Womb.”


“The pro-life movement recognizes the immense responsibility this nation bears to restore equal rights to its most defenseless citizens in the womb,” March for Life president Jeanne Mancini said at a press conference in October.


The stated purpose of the march is to end abortion by “uniting, educating, and mobilizing pro-life people in the public square.”


The annual march commemorates the infamous January 22, 1973, Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade which, together with the 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey, nullifed 50 state laws and made abortion legal and available on demand throughout the United States.

Anonymous ID: d3cd3a Dec. 31, 2021, 7:23 p.m. No.15288152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8610

Hillary Asks for Donations to the Clinton Foundation and Gets Grilled on Twitter


The Clintons are likely the most corrupt couple in US history. If we had a DOJ and protection for Jeffrey Epstein, they’d be in jail.


Can there be anyone as corrupt and oblivious to their own corruption as the Clintons? Bill was impeached for obstructing justice and tampering with witnesses involving numerous incidents and crimes that took place in his administration. Hillary and Bill made millions in their foundation while giving a huge percent of US uranium to Russians for a few more million. Next Hillary created the bogus Russia collusion sham that the corrupt DOJ and FBI ran with. Now Hillary is asking for donations?


In a tweet, Hillary asked for donations for her corrupt foundation.