Same here. I had to hand my anger over to God. That's the only way I could deal with it.
What if the dirty work has already been done and right now we are just in training to make sure it doesn't happen again?
>they control
>the schools and the churches
>there is nothing left for the rabble
Stop playing their game by they rules.
Stop going to their brick & mortar churches.
Jesus lives in our hearts.
Stop sending your kids to their brick & mortar schools.
Education starts at home and should stay there.
Stop handing your kids over to strangers to be brainwashed.
*by their rules
The Jews want all non-Jewish White people dead.
The Jews are the Real White Supremacists and they want to be the only Whites alive, and they want to subjugate all POC. That is why the Jews keep saying, "We're not White, we're Jewish."
I put up my 2022 calendar this morning.
Thursday, January 6 says Epiphany.